Chapter 6 - Restaurant

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3rd Person

Everybody looked around as confident glances were shared.

"We all need to stick together. We are all going to be in groups, do not. And I mean do. Not. Split from your group." Nancy warned, and everybody nodded.

"I think Mike, and Will should go with me and Jonathan, and then Robin and Steve can go with El, Lucas and Dustin." Nancy suggested.

Hums of agreement were heard so Nancy gave a small smile.

"Shouldn't El be with us? If we want to save Will then she should be with him, right?" Jonathan frowned.

"Oh, yeah. Well groups stay the same, just El comes with us." Nancy smiled, proud of herself.

"Well we need to kill Vecna, he is still out for all of us, not just Will." Steve scoffed, and Nancy shot a death glare in his direction.

"Yes. Steve. He is after all of us, but he is mainly after Will. So he is our number 1 priority. Got it?" Nancy snapped.

"Right." Steve muttered, looking away.

"So. Does everyone understand?" Nancy shot fierce glances to everybody, who nodded quickly.

"Good. I say we all spend the night here." Nancy told them, and everyone nodded.

"Mike, Steve and Jonathan can sleep in your room, me and Robin are sleeping in my room." Nancy announced, and Mike scoffed.

"Yeah as if. I'm sleeping in my own room." Mike stuck his tongue out at Nancy, who rolled her eyes.

"No, you're not. You're staying with the rest of the kids." Nancy gave him a warning look, so Mike shut his mouth.

"Okay, are we all happy with this?" She asked, and everyone nodded quickly.

"Right, then we can all do whatever until we have yo go to sleep." She smiled, and the chatter picked up.

"Why don't we all go and do something?" Mike offered to the party, and they all agreed.

Mike, El and Will quickly got changed and did their morning routines, before coming back down stairs and heading out.

They decided to go to a restaurant that was nearby since that was one of the only placed they could really go.

As they were walking there, Mike noticed that Will was slowing down a bit.

"Hey, what's up?" Mike asked him, slowing down so that he could walk next to Will.

"I'm scared." He whispered, and Mike's heart broke.

"Will, it's going to be okay." Mike tried to reassure him, but it didn't work.

"I don't know, I've just got a horrible feeling that it isn't going to work out for us this time." Will looked up at Mike, his eyes glassy.

"Will, I promise Vecna Will not be able to touch you." Mike told him, and Will nodded slowly.

"..Okay." Will spoke quietly, opening the door to the restaurant and heading towards his friends.

The both of them sat down, and they all sat in awkward silence for a few minutes.

"I'm sorry." Will whispered, and everyone looked up at him.

"Why?" Eleven spoke, confused.

"About everything." He looked up, his eyes filled with shame.

"Will, none of this is your fault." Lucas told him, and Will's refused to meet anyone's eye.

"Well it is, isn't it." He spoke through tears, and everyone looked around at eachother.

"Why don't we go back to Mike's house for a bit, I don't really like this restaurant anyway." Dustin chuckled, trying to lighten the atmosphere.

Everyone nodded hurriedly, scrambling out of their seats.

They all left, and Will walked slowly behind them, Mike looking back at him.

Why him? - Mike thought to himself, his heart shattering as he saw a small tear fall down Will's face.

He walked over to Will, who was in his own world.

"Will?" Mike spoke, and Will flinched.

"Y-Yeah?" He tried to hide the fact that he had been crying, and Mike sighed.

"What's wrong?" Mike frowned.

"I-I just, I don't want to go. I'm not ready." Will's voice trembed.

"Will, we are going to save you." Mike grabbed Will's hand, giving it a small reassuring squeeze.

Will sniffles stopped and he looked up at Mike, his cheeks tinted slightly pink.

"..Promise?" He whispered.

"I promise." Mike gave him a small smile.

Will smiled back, looking away to try and hide his pink face.

Mike chuckled, and picked up the pace a bit, trying to catch up to his friends.

Will got dragged along begind him, huffing.

"Mike slow down!" He whined.

"Hurry up! Slow poke." Mike grinned, making Will scoff.

"How mature." Will rolled his eyes, and Mike made a stupid face at Will, making the smaller boy giggle.

"You're so stupid." Will giggled, and Mike just scoffed.

"Whatever." He chuckled.

They realized they had reached Mike's house, and both went in, forgetting to remove their hands from each other's.

They walked into the house, waving a quick hello and Nancy, Jonathan, Steve and Robin before running to the basement.

{Word Count: 824}

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