03-to kill a mocking girl

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"Heads up, BFF's

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"Heads up, BFF's. It's open season on liars and I'm hauting- A

Rosewood, Pennsylvania 2010

Honestly waking up with the girls calling me none stop wasn't the way I picture waking up. They were telling me to get up cause they had something special and important to do. I hade no idea what it was but it was early in the morning and I don't have enough energy to ask them too. So I just try my best to get up from my bed.

"Who's idea was this again?" Asks Hannah as we walk futher and futher into the woods. The choice of this mornigh outfit was a 10/10. Skinny black jeans that hugged my body just right, with a white top and my black leather jack overall, luckly today I decided to put on my black combate boots. Perfect to stop the bugs from bite me.

"Emily's mom" Spencer accuses, making Emily roll her eyes.

"I just want to know why did you guys have to wake me up so early" I say receiving a 'sorry' look from Aria.

"The shed was me. My mom just said we should do something for us" She explained.

"Well, couldn't we do something without mosquitos?" Hannah asked. " Yeah, and like after lunch our" I say backing her off.

"They are not mosquitos. They are gnats" Aria clarified.

"Whatever! They are small and annoying. And they are flying up my nose". Hannah complained.

"Since when is Aria biologist?" I joke.

"Hey!" She said, pushing me slitghy.

"They are attracted to your perfume Hannah" Aria commented

"And your hair products and your lip gloss" Spencer joked as well.

"So  what are you saying, I attract flies?" She asked scared.

"Gnats"Corrected Aria.

"Why do I fell like this is the wrong way Spence" I say. Spencer was leading us trough the inside of the forest, but honestly I think we are lost.

"No, this is it." She said, showing us the spot" I remember that three". I look at her weirdly.

"You do realize they all look the same, right?" I ask her, is she on something?

"No they don't Avie. That three is the half way point. There's 136 steps left to the shed" She informed us. How the hell did she know that.

liar-Jason DilaurentisWhere stories live. Discover now