13-know your frenemies

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"Time to greet old friends liar, now they are all back in Rosewood again-A" 

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"Time to greet old friends liar, now they are all back in Rosewood again-A" 

Rosewood, Pennsylvania 2010

"Does anyone know where Ava is?" Aria asks sitting down at the coffee table by the other girls. Both Emily and Hannah shake her head,no, while Spencer keeps her head low.

"You know where she is?" Emily asked, Spencer bitted her lip before turning to them.

"I don't, but yesterday she acted super weird, I asked her if she was on something and she just ran off. Like literally, she ran" Spencer admited, the group exchange a weird and concerned look between them.

"Yeah, she was weird with us as well." Aria admited and the followed by telling the story.

"You guys think that A as something really bad on her?" Hanna wonderes, even though A had something in all of them Ava was the one that talked the least about it.

"I don't know, she doesn't comment a lot on whatever A has on her" Aria said, drinking her coffee.

"We need to know where she was that night. Ava knows something, she knows something crucial"Spencer voices. I hear Spencer words, I couldn't belive what she just said, she was still not beliving me.

"Wow, still not believing me Spence, how suprising" I say claping my hands "Such a good friend" I joke, grabbing a chair and pulling to sit in the same table as them.

"Where have you been?" Emily asks me, I shrugger "If I told you, would you belive me or just talk about it behind my back?" 

"Ava this is serious. You have to start to talk with us about what you are going through" Spencer exclaimed.

"Why? Spencer there is nothing you can do that will changes the events of that night" I say in between my teeth.

"So it is something that happened that night" She pointed " Isn't it for all of us in a way, more or less that night it haunt us" I say, grabbing the croissant that I ordered.

"Fine, just try to be more open" Aria smiled.

"The food in this town is to die for" Agent Cooper spoke as she approached our table "I'm missing it already"

"Are you going somewhere?" Emily asked politely

"Came here to find the person that killed your friend. Toby Cavanaugh might be out on bail but he is not leaving town, and we have a solid case against him. So, unless you have a reason for me to stay" The older woman informed us.

"I guess we will see you around!"Hanna smiled.

"You girls take care. Ava send my regards to your parents" I want to shoot my brains out, why did she have to say that. When the girls look at me, I just shrugger not having the energy to even lie anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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