Chapter 5- Thoughts and Pizza

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"Ok sir,here is your small coffee and slice of Gypsy tart.That'll be two pds."He handed me the money.Taking it I added "Thank you for coming.I hope that the food was up to your standards."

Nodding he walked out.I looked over at the big clock on the wall it read 3:00.

"Kara,I'm done.Do you need anything or can I go?"I shouted into the back.

"Huh?Oh no thanks alot Kristy.Thats all.Tommorrow you can go back to your usual hours.Tiffany should be back by then."

"Sure thing,your welcome bye."

Walking out of the bakery I took a right and walked,moving through the crowds of people.It was a Tuesday afternoon and the streets were busy,to say the least.People getting off school,shopping,having there lunch break.However I was on my was my home.

It had been ten years since my life had changed.My mum had died.I still remembered that day and it haunted me in my life and in my dreams.I was a fifteen year old girl with combat training,pepper spray,a flip knife,and a special phone with a Gps,panic button and goodness knows what else.So basically if anyone tried to hurt me they'd be in for it.

Now I know what you are thinking.Why wasnt she on her why home from school?Why was she working in a bakery?

Well,thats simple I had finished school a year ago.Now I was working in my sister-in-laws bakery for extra money.Yes I said my sister-in-law,my oldest brother was married,about 5 years now and had four kids.I didnt need to work I mean having two older,a lot older brothers plus a father who worked in the goverment meant I had all my needs and more.However last year after I gave my a'level exams I decided that I wanted to work and earn for myself.In the beggining my dad wasnt sure,he'd been very protective since mum died but when Kara said shed hire me he agreed.

I was incredibly proud of myself.At fifteen I had

9 olevels
English Litreture A*
English language A
Math A*
History A
Biology A*
Chemistry A
Physics A
Computer studies A*
French C

5 a'levels
Computing A*
Global prepectives A*
Design technology A
Applied information and comunication technology A
Math B

As you can see most of my subjects take me into the computing field.I had just finished taking a six month computer training course.So I was relatively free,that is unil I decided what to do next

I also worked.Usually my timings were ten am to twelve pm but since one of Kara's other employees took a week leave I was covering.So today I had been at the bakery from nine am to three pm.I didnt mind it menat extra money and less time trying to decide what to do.

By now I had reached my house,well not mine.It was the house I had grown up in.Although it had many haunting memories it also had many comforting memories.I wouldnt trade this house for anything.Walking in I greeted Phil and Jacob,the guards and unlocked the front door.

"Hello?I'm home.Anyone here?"I called out

No answer.Oh well I guess everyone was still out.Thats what happended when you lived in a home of working people.Dad was usually at office,sorting out security problems or having meeting.

Mark was at Princes hospital working as a pediatrican.He went to Princes college when he was 18,he passed with such good grades that they offered him a job as soon as he graduated.

Seth was an BSS agent,going around the world beating up the bad guys.So he wasnt home very often.

Kara was a bakery owner,well half a bakery owner.After marrying Mark she was able to follow her dream and opened a bakery.She is partners with a  friend from culinary school and they split the work.Three days a week when the kids were at day care Kara stayed at the bakery till the evening.

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