Chapter 6 World War III?

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Hey everyone!Well I have decided to take Kristys story off hold!

This chapter goes to Readingreader who has been a great fan and encouraged me to write more!


Where am I?

I looked around.I couldn’t see anything.Carefully I began to take one step after another.

Then I saw her  Mama?  I started to run after her but no matter how far I went she went further.

Mama wait, come back wait. I begged.But she wouldn’t she just kept moving.  Mama Please,don’t go!  I shouted.
Then I heard it. BANG………………


Kristy sat up with a jolt. Looking around she saw that it was raining outside.It was dark save for the lava lamp on her bedside table.Reaching over she checked my clock,it read 2:15 am.Touching her face she felt tear trails.She had been crying.Knowing what would happen if she lay back down she got up.Walking over to the wall opposite her bed she found the light switches.Just as she turned on the light a big bang of the thunder sounded.She slid to the ground and hugged her knees.She had been afraid of thunder ever since she was small.She knew it was silly but it reminded her of a gunshot.When she felt calm again she got up and walked into her study making her way towards the fridge.Opening it she picked out a orange juice carton then made her way to Seths room.As she got closer she saw the lights on.He was awake.Just as another thunder sounded she jumped up and ran into his room.

Seth was sitting a his desk using his laptop.When he heard Kristy enter he looked up.His face turned sympathetic when he saw how pale her face was.


“Yeah and the thunder.What are you doing up?”She said her voice shaky

“I have to do this report."He sounded tired

“Are you leaving again?”She was disappointed he had just got back.

“Afraid so.Theres some new threat.It isn’t new precisely.We just started to find proper info on them.Its quite important to stop them..But forget that,you ok?”

"I hate it Seth.Im fifteen.Its been ten damn years.I cant even get by watching proper movies either.I hate it.I feel like I am a coward.”Tears forming in her eyes.

Seth sighed.”Your not a coward,kitten.You went through something traumatizing when you were little.Id be scared too.”

“You wouldn’t”She said.

Seth came over and gathered her into his arms.”I would.Everyone is scared of something.This is your something.”She rested her head on his chest

“What is your something?” She asked in a small voice

“My something is not being able to protect the ones  I care for. Doing something really stupid.Dissapointing people. Also I am scared of helights,slightly.

“See those are real fears,mine are silly.”

“No there not. There perfectly normal for you. Ok?”He told her firmly

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