Act 2 - Chapter 11

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Leo plopped down in one of the chairs and smirked. "This place is pretty cool," he admitted.

"Are you considering our offer?" Harry asked hopefully.

Leo tilted his head as he thought. "Do I get paid?"

Harry frowned thoughtfully. "What would you be paid with?"

Leo shrugged. "I suppose money is no good since I'm dead," he said thoughtfully. He shrugged. "Well, what kind of 'benefits' are there?"

"Depends on what division you choose," Harry answered. He pulled out Leo's file and opened it. "You like building, right?"

"More like inventing," Leo admitted. "Is that in the Weaponry Division?"

"No," Harry said. "We don't have any inventors."

Leo pouted. "Well then, what division do you want me in?"

"Honestly?" Harry sat back. "I want you on my Elite Team."

That had Leo speechless for all of two seconds. Then, his instincts kicked in and he began talking while his brain was still processing the information. "You sure? 'cause I know I'm awesome and all, but Gerald mentioned that the Elites were really exclusive and I'm kind of annoying, ya know. I mean, you'll probably be sick of me by tomorrow and—"

"Valdez," Harry interrupted, "I have been watching you since you built the Argo II. If they can't handle your eccentricism, then they're not fit to be Elites."

Leo fell silent for a long moment before quietly saying, "I'm new to this. Would they even accept me when I haven't worked as hard as them to get there?"

"They trust my judgement. They will accept you."

"Why do you want me? You could have someone more experienced but you're choosing me. Why?"

"You won't start immediately," Harry said. "You will need to be trained, but you're talented. I trust you will do well."

"Fine, but I want a workshop."

"Thought you might," Harry said. "I'll show you to your room."

Leo perked up. "I get my own room? Why didn't you start with that?"

Harry chuckled and stood, leading Leo through the winding halls. He stopped in front of one of the doors and twisted the knob before pushing it open. "Welcome to your new home."

The room was nice, but Leo could hardly focus on that when he caught sight of a staircase leading down. His curiosity was piqued and he peeked over the railing before a large grin grew in his face. It was a workshop the size of Bunker Nine.

He raced down the stairs and began to explore, not caring that he had left his new boss behind. He spent the next hour just exploring before he decided to actually start on something, so he rolled up his sleeves and got to work. He wasn't sure what it was that he wanted to make, but he just let his thoughts wander as he tinkered, knowing that something would come of it.

Everything had happened so fast. He certainly hadn't expected to actually die, but he had and he wasn't all that upset about it. Sure, he wasn't alive anymore, but he hadn't really found much in life anyways. His mom was dead and he never really bonded with many of the demigods. He didn't understand why he wasn't more upset about it, but he didn't really care.

There was Calypso to consider, of course. She seemed to be the only person who could put up with his annoying self. He didn't know if he loved her, but he wasn't willing to reject the one person who might be able to love him. She was so out of his league that it confused him why she liked him.

He sighed and looked at what he had built out of the materials he had grabbed. It was the start of a kind of vambrace that was filled with technology. He set it aside, promising himself to return later.

There was a knock on the door above and he walked up, answering it to find his boss leaning in the door frame. "You ready to meet Death, Valdez?"

Leo grinned. "Lead the way, Boss."


Leo did not expect his first time seeing Death to be when he was kissing Percy Jackson. Actually, he did not expect to ever see Death kissing Percy Jackson.

Leo smirked and cleared his throat, causing the two to turn to him, Percy with a glare that instantly evaporated upon seeing who it was. "Is this the top-secret boyfriend you always gushed about?" Leo asked with a sly smile.

Percy blushed and buried his face in Death's shoulder. "Angel, tell the mean demigod to go away."

Death just chuckled and offered his hand to Leo, who shook it firmly. "You're Hadrian's newest recruit?"

Leo smiled widely. "He had me as soon as he mentioned that I get my own room."

"Harry!" A young man burst into the room. "Nico brought a boy home!"

Harry smirked. "Yeah, I know. It's Life. I told him if he misses family dinner, I'd punch Life in the face."

Death raised an eyebrow. "He actually convinced Nico?"

Harry sighed. "He did more than just convince him," he grumbled.

Leo listened with wide eyes. "Nico's gay? How did I not see that?" He was ignored for the time being.

"He marked him," Harry elaborated when Death gave him a look.

Leo had no idea what that meant, but everyone else gasped. "Bloody hell," the youngest muttered with wide eyes. "How haven't you murdered anyone yet?"

"I'm being supportive," Harry said. "Nico really likes him and the mark wouldn't have worked if Life didn't at least care for him. Just try to be polite."

Leo figured he wasn't going to get anywhere by staying, so he left, making his way back to his room and getting back to work on his vambrace.

He was definitely going to like it here.

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