24.Doesn't Exist Anymore?🤧

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Author's pov:


Good memories will bring a smile to your lips and make your heart warm with happiness and think about how happy you were on that time

But Bad memories,

Bad memories will make your smile fall even if you are in a different yet good situation,it will make your heart depressed and just think about how hurting it was on that time,which made you broken into pieces or it might be a situation of being parting away from a good friend,family or the one who are so close to our heart

Our loved one

The feelings and thoughts arise while are with our family and friends will be more different than,while we are with our loved ones,the ones who took our heart away with just a smile or a word.

Our heart beat raises and at loss of words we will mostly try to communicate our words to them by
small touches or a mere eye contact and If our loved one understands what we are trying to convey just by a small gesture from us,then the bond between them is really true

Our safest place is our loved ones
sweet embrace and if there was a day where our loved one gets hurts or if there was a situation that we can't get to them at all means our emotions gets totally broken and a feeling of being in the most vulnerable situation arises.

Taehyung felt everything all at once
while he was in the state of  consciousness for a few minutes and saw his loved one,his soon to be husband is just barely breathing and bleeding badly.

And at that time he wants nothing but to save him no matter what even by sacrificing his own self,but he couldn't even lift himself because of being injured the same

He had more good memories with Jungkook than one or two small misunderstandings and only the good memories are clouded in his dreams,the dreams where he sees in his unconscious state...

“I love you so much that it hurts to be not fully as yours,I wanna be yours and as well as make you as mine completely

So will you Just Be Mine My Love?"Jungkook asked smiling through his tears

Taehyung looked up at Jungkook's eyes with blushy cheeks and he could see only love in his eyes.

“Forever?"Jungkook whispered before his lips

“Forever"Taehyung whispered back smiling

also with the memory of Jungkook
getting hurt is flashing again and again which makes him eyes leave painful tears

Even though the pain in the head is unbearable,the pain in his heart is
more unbearable than that,The sight of Jungkook ble'eding badly is still registered in taehyung's mind

which made him fight himself with his unconscious state and slowly open his eyes after days of being caged in it.

Taehyung fluttered his teary eyes adjusting to the light, sniffling as he opened his eyes fully

“hu.bby"Taehyung faintly whispered trying to get up slowly
but couldn't

Pains everywhere

“hubby"Taehyung whispered again blurry eyes desperately searching for his soon to be husband,his lover and his everything

Taehyung slowly sat up,the IV connected to his hand moving along with him.

Taehyung soon saw his mother and Ira rushing inside and saying something while crying, trying to hold him but he is not focused on them.

“tae"His brother's faint voice can be heard

“hu..bby"Taehyung faintly whispering trying to pull away from their hold.

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