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It was a rainy october day, water slid down the windows and hit the cement outside as a boy folded paper and a girl slept soundly in his bed, right next to him. Bill glanced at his sister just as she moved rubbing her chin slightly with her hand while still sleeping, he glanced back at the little yellow paper boat he was making for their brother, Georgie, as he waited patiently for it to be ready.

"You sure I won't get in trouble, Bill?" the little boy asked, getting up and turning to look at his brother
"Don't be a w-wuss" Bill stuttered glancing up at him
"I'd come with you if I weren't dying" he coughed out making Georgie frown as he walked closer to his bed, their sister slowly opened her eyes being awakened from Bill's coughs
"You're not dying!" Georgie exclaimed worriedly at his brother making the girl frown
"You didn't see the vomit coming out of my nose this morning?" Bill asked him with a slight smirk making the girl's frown deepen
"That's disgusting" Georgie said
"Ew" the noise came out of the girl's mouth as she glanced up at her brothers
"Okay. Go get the wax" Bill told the boy while shooting a glance at his sister
"In the cellar?" Georgie hesitated
"You want it to f-float, don't you?" Bill raised his eyebrows.

"I'll go get it if you don't want to" the girl offered moving to sit on the bed
"No Izzy, you're sick, you should stay in bed" Georgie shook his head and began walking out grabbing the walkie talkie as he did so.
"Did we wake you?" Bill turned to his sister who shook her head and glanced down at the boat in his hands
"No, I guess I wasn't that tired" she shrugged and took a hold of a sheet of paper beginning to fold it, she'd had an origami phase in elementary school and still had a habit of folding paper in little animals whenever she felt overwhelmed, or simply bored.

Bill knew that, of course he did, they were twins, they knew everything about each other "You sure?"
"Yeah, yeah I'm sure" she nodded, gently folding the paper. A couple minutes had passed before Bill grabbed the walkie talkie and spoke into it, saying something Isabella didn't bother to listen to, some time later Georgie came back up, wax in hand, giving it to Bill. He finished up his boat by writing "S.S. Georgie" on it and coated it in wax, while Isabella finished folding the little bird she made and glanced at her little brother just as Bill handed the boat to him
"Alright, here you go" he looked at Georgie as the boy looked at the boat in his hands
"S-s-she's all ready Captain" Isabella smiled at the interaction watching from her spot on her brother's bed
"She?" Georgie questioned, eyes filled with confusion
"You always call boats she, Georgie" the girl explained making them both turn to her and the boy nodded
"She." he said firmly and turned back to Bill

"Thanks, Billy" he smiled hugging him before Bill started tickling him, Georgie grabbed his walkie talkie and walked to where Isabella sat
"Take this, and be safe" the girl handed him the little blue bird and slightly ruffled his hair
"I will" he started running out of the room and yelled out "See you later, bye" she heard his faint footsteps down the stairs and out the door while Bill got up and watched him through his window
"Be careful" he spoke through the walkie talkie waving at the little boy just as he placed his boat in the water.

"I should have gone with him" Isabella said after a few minutes of silence, thinking of her little brother alone in the rain filled her with worry, she took a hold of another sheet of paper and started folding it, planning on making a little mouse
"You're s-s-sick, I'm sure he's gonna be fine" Bill turned to look at her, gaze lingering on the paper she was folding for a few moments
"I hope so" she sighed placing the little mouse on his nightstand
"I'm going back to sleep" she muttered lightly laying back down on his bed and closing her eyes before he could answer.

That was the day everything changed in Isabella's life, the day her little brother disappeared, the day an evil clown came into town, the day their curse started.

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