Boombox X reader HC~¤

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Where did yall met?
U bumped into him in cross boards. He found u cool so yall became friends.

What to they like about yo?
They love how u both match and protect each other! U both sing together sometimes and he shows u off for no reason

If someone hurted u or ya got damaged

If yall got damaged by a phighter he will help! Btw he is very very and what I mean. VERY PROTECTIVE A so like he will bring u to medkit to get healed but if u got hurt he will be super worried even if it was a tiny scratch. He would highly hug u tightly.

If u put ur fav song on their boombox (mine is above)

I'f u put ur fav song on his boombox he will love it even if it was a swear song. He would be relaxing with u or dancing.

If u are tired

If u are tired he will absolutely pet u sleep on him and literally will not allow anyone to touch u. He is a gud bf ^^

If u mess with em

If u mess with them he will run after u and try to tackle u. U will be running around. One time u flew fast subspace and they almost fell but u say sorry and ran again before the pest got u >:3

When u steal their boombox

If u steal their boombox they would be like "NOOOoo!!!!" Or "Give it back!!!!" They will be angry sometimes but mostly playfully tackle u.

When u talk to someone  else

If u talk to someone else they will be angry and get jealous. They will try to cut across or maybe make an excuse so u can stop talking to them and give him all the love LOL-

If u kiss them

They will be super excited and happy. They will be saying "I WAS KISSED BY MY CRUSH WOWOWOWOW" and his face will be like 0O0 as he will be red as  an pepper.

If u do something kinda sexy to them uh if u know what I mean😩😏

He will be blushing crazy and get dreamy. He will pull u in and make out with u. Even closing the gap between yall so u cant escape. He will flip u over and uh u know what's. It is a stick up ur marshmallow area.

What do they do around u when they are flirty?

They would be like "your mine~" and will be close to u. He will be a big spoon however he will be dirty talking to u and teasing ur marshmallow hole until he does the stick up ur marshy or u do it. GROW UP


How are they like during marshmallow sticking?

They do it pretty good. They keep their top on and so u do or not. He will be like an animal. He never swears! He also teases u alot. EUGHH

Do they bite hard?

Certainly yeah. It depends how hard they bite on your coco. They also bite on ur marshmallow  cat. U love it so much that u cling onto him-

Do they cling onto u?

Yes when u use a saxophone toy and Insert urself into him. He will be squealing and purring. U bite his neck while doing cat style. One time he purred and u purred back. U both kinda laughed but kinda whimpered after.


Sex >;)~

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