Chapter 1:

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In 1964 our love met across the room...

In 1964, I had a gig to play at the Dive Motel. Me and the Moon Crests were performing for yet another familiar crowd whose reaction to our town pleaser "Until I Found You" sparked only a small crowd of recognizable cheer. Soon we hope to grow that crowd. For now, we take what we can get.

As I packed my guitar, I heard Brooks ask over my shoulder "Hey Stephen, where you headed tonight? Me and the boys were planning on going to the local gentlemen's club for the evening. Wanna come?"

At this point, I'd visited that same stupid club a million times over. I was of no interest.

"No fellas. I'll probably just visit the motel bar, it seems like they've got some interesting music playing there."

Jesse buds in "Come on don't go working overtime there boss" he says in a sarcastic tone. I laugh at his sarcasm "Now guys, I just like to blow off some steam some places else that isn't that specific club."

"Well alright. Don't expect us to be back too early now" Exclaimed Watson. They all laugh their heads off before they finish packing their instruments.

We've just finished a gig in Nashville, but we got the recognition of this one club up in Los Angeles we'd want to give a shot at. That is where we will be headed in a few weeks from now. I swear one of these days we'll get the recognition we've worked hard for, so this chance in Los Angeles should hopefully be some sort of game changer. For now, we wrap up our sets in Nashville.

I've gotta pay my respects to Nashville, they really helped us set our ground as a serious group. Well, my similarities to Elvis Presley might've helped, but I've got a twist Elvis will never see coming when I hit the big stage. For now, I'm walking back to the Dive Motel looking for a place to cool down at. It's a small motel with a gorgeous auditorium nearby for playing. Almost feels like a mistake, but who am I to judge Nashville?

I take a step through the doors, and I'm met with red fluorescent lighting. It was very dim, and I approached the door of the bar with the sort of precaution you take walking downstairs at night. It was bright enough to make of my surroundings, so perhaps my precautions were just me being silly. Anyhow there were 2 doors that I needed to go through as I approached this bar. The first door was red with white letters reading "Welcome, Dive on in!". As I went through the first door the second one was propped open. Unsure as to where I still was, I walked through the door.

The music playing was familiar. If I'm not mistaken it's Honey by Bobby Goldsboro which is truly a phenomenal piece of work. It inspired me to make this song I was writing, but I had it on hold for a while. Not entirely sure how I was going to finish some details, but I'll get there.

As I enter this bar, I suddenly feel at ease. The room was nothing out of the ordinary for a motel bar. Except for the fact there was no one in the room.

No one except for Evangeline.

In 1964, I laid eyes on a random woman at the Dive Motel. She was gorgeous. The face of an angel.

There she was sitting alone waiting for a man who wouldn't appear. Her golden locks brushed against her face as she readjusted her black dress. Elegant woman, really. Who am I, but a troubadour player to speak to a woman with such sight? There she was, however, locking gaze with my eyes. I walk over to her to introduce myself:

"Why, a beautiful woman like you shouldn't be sitting here all alone on a gorgeous night"

She looks down.

"You're too kind, but I'd refrain from such compliments. My man is coming for me."

She looks like she had been sitting here for a while. The bartender tends the bar and there she sits. Waiting.

"My apologies, but I can't help and see you sitting here alone. What's your name by chance?"

She takes a sharp sip of her martini and looks up at me smiling:

"That's not of concern at this moment."

Strange woman. Well, I didn't know her, so I pulled out the next trick in the hat. I pull out my chair and sat across the woman on the booth.

"Well, I'm Stephen. Stephen Sanchez. Also known as The Troubadour Sanchez."

Her sudden realization made her eyes light up brighter than the fluorescent bulbs. "Why yes I know who you are. You sing that one song- my god what is it called now" I give her a second to guess. "Until I Found You?" "That's correct dear".

She was shocked. "Oh no. Hunter would kill you if he saw you with me."


"Oh, my I don't know who that is, but what's the concern here?"

Evangeline glances outside the window and back at me. "Do you seriously not know who Hunter is"? I gave her a confused look. "Darling I'm confused- " "Stop calling me that!"

I sit there still waiting for her to explain. "He's the leader of the mafia that runs Nashville".

Oh shit. I'm messing with the girl of a mafia leader? I look at her a little confused not knowing what I've just got myself into.

"Well, why shouldn't I be here? I don't even know the guy."

She looks at me with concern. "As soon as I got with Hunter, he's restricted me from interacting with particular people in Nashville who could be of threat to him. You, Unfortunately, are a threat to him. He knows you're a hit with the ladies and your music has the ability to change Nashville. Meaning he and his crew would have no business here. He told me he'd make sure I'd never touch a radio ever again if I even hummed your tunes. I've gone to a few of your shows before, but the last one I went to I left with him halfway through the set. He couldn't take it. That is as far as I can explain."

I'm actually shocked now. I don't know any of these people and I fell for the woman of a mafia boss. I looked at the time: it was 10 pm which was still pretty late for the times. I know men of his nature didn't sleep by the moonrise, but he shouldn't leave her here all alone.

"Look at the time do you think he'll make it on time?" She looks at the time "Yes, I'm not sure how soon, but you best run along".

I couldn't let this woman stay here alone waiting for a man who won't appear.

"Look, lady, I appreciate your concerns, but I'm capable of taking care of myself in the event of danger. I cannot however leave you here to your own devices, especially in this area".

She tilts her head amazed at what she assumed was my displaced judgment. I barely knew her yet I knew she was too good to be sitting in an empty bar alone. She giggles as she returns to playing with her martini "You're too generous for a man who just stumbled in here. Trust my word, however, this isn't the smartest choice you're making."

"I don't think I should be afraid of a man who leaves a gorgeous woman like yourself unattended. It's quite selfish. Who does that?" This shocks her. She gasped "My, don't speak about him in such ugly tone. He loves me I know it."

I extended my elbows on the table and took a deep breath.

"Well, if I loved a woman like you, I wouldn't even let you sleep or rest your own head. I'd be the pillow and bed who'd hold your dreams as you lied to rest".

Time froze between the both of us. There she sat shell shocked at what I just said. Our gaze locked on one another. My god this made me so nervous I felt as if I was 1000 degrees in love. Whatever I had said I know I'd wake up the next day expressing no regrets. She was so lovely. May that moment have never ended, but as with all good things it had:

She broke the silence.

"My name..."

I ejected myself to a more proper sitting position. "Yes?"

"EVANGELINE!" a strong voice calls for her.

There the man himself stood: Hunter.

𝐸𝓋𝒶𝓃𝑔𝑒𝓁𝒾𝓃𝑒, 𝐸𝓋𝒶𝓃𝑔𝑒𝓁𝒾𝓃𝑒 (Fanfiction based on "Angel Face")Where stories live. Discover now