Chapter 2:

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There he stood. Hunter.

 With 2 of his men of each of his side and a lit cigarette hit threw hastily to the ground. He's a tall man with scowled expression on his face. He walked with a saunter: no hurry, however it created greater tension as he approached the where I sat with Evangeline. She gets up from where she was sitting. "Hunter darling don't get so angry now-"

He grabs her chin and points her face to a direct angle from his. He lowers his tone low enough for me to barely hear him tell her "Don't worry I'll deal with you later." as he pushes her aside. He takes Evangeline's spot at the booth with both of his men pulling chairs aside to sit next to me. He takes out a cigarette and lights it up before propping his legs on the table next to us and begins to ask me "So, what were you doing here talking to my lady?" 

I try not to let this man think I'm intimidated by him. He lacks more manners than a child, my god, how did he have a slight chance with a darling like Evangeline? Nonetheless I answer "Well I was just walking around the motel area and I discovered the bar here. When I walked in your lady was sitting all alone and I felt guilty leaving her alone in this here bar. I didn't know she was your lady however until she informed me"

Hunter takes a sharp inhale of his cigarette and a sharp exhale out. "I can't tell if you're judging me for being a little late to pick up my woman here, but I think you best fix your fucking tone with me. And who are you to be speaking to a man's lady when he's not present?" He turns his head over to another table I could not see. "Evangeline be honest now?" He asks in a louder voice. "is he telling the truth? Did he make any moves on you?"

We all turn to take a look at Evangeline who seated herself away from the interaction. She dusts off her black velvet dress and walk towards our previous table. Every step she took was small and hesitant, but she spoke up: "He was simply trying to be a gentleman honey. He just walked in here asking why I was the only one in the bar and nothing more. I told him who you were I don't believe you need to be concerned about nothing more." Her tone was serious, as to inform him that he's overreacting to the matter of this situation. 

What strength this woman has to talk to this ticking time bomb of a tempered man like that.  Hunter stares her down with an unamused almost annoyed expression. He finishes his current cigarette and looks over to me. "I know who you are now. You're that crooner Stephen Sanchez." Like I said before I refuse to look intimidated so I respond "Why in the flesh!" with a smile. 

Hunter is not amused. In fact I might've pissed him off even more. He sits up properly and tells his henchmen to step aside. It's now me and him at this table. He comes a little closer to leave me with this:

"You've got the hearts of many in this town, however, if you want to continue to play your little guitar wherever you step foot in I suggest you play somewhere far away from Nashville before someone breaks your strings. You got that." 

From my peripheral view I could see Evangeline standing a few tables away, however I assumed if I looked at her for reassurance I might've created consequences for the both of us, so I kept my gaze with the amber eyed bastard in front of me. I'm a troubadour for crying out loud. I perform with no fear in front of my concert goers, therefore I can't let my current audience members assume I fear this man. "I don't think you got anything to be worried about sir. So I do get that."

Hunter looks up at his men and gives them a nod. Instead of blowing my head off the men disappeared from the exit door. Hunter walks over to Evangeline to take her hand. "I enjoyed talking to you Mr. Troubadour. However I need to get me and lady over here kickin somewhere else. I best not see you around her again." 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2023 ⏰

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𝐸𝓋𝒶𝓃𝑔𝑒𝓁𝒾𝓃𝑒, 𝐸𝓋𝒶𝓃𝑔𝑒𝓁𝒾𝓃𝑒 (Fanfiction based on "Angel Face")Where stories live. Discover now