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This is chapter one, this is my first Gil x Ally story, I wanted to make this for a while but never got the chance to but now I do
Anyway, enjoy!

Gil's POV: Uma, Harry & I couldn't believe that we were finally off the isle of the lost, we were all so happy, I was talking to Jay about where we should travel/go to first until someone passed me & Jay by, it was a girl who had blonde hair just like me except her eyes were blue. I'd never seen a girl so pretty before, I'd felt my heart start to beat fast & my cheeks started to turn red. "What are you looking at, Gil." Jay asked me then I started to panic & freak out a bit. "Uh, nothing Jay I'm not looking at, anything." I lied to him but I don't think he believed me. "Uh-huh sure~" Jay teased me & I punched him in the arm. "Shut up, but w-who is that?" I asked him, he looked at me then smirked. "Why do you want to know, Gil~" Jay asked me. "N-no reason." I lied to him but he told me anyway, he told me that she was the daughter of Alice in Wonderland, her name's Allison but her nickname was Ally & I was still blushing at her. "Go talk to her." Jay said as he encouraged me to talk to her but I was afraid to talk to her because I was scared of what I would say to her. "What I-I don't think that's a good idea." I said to him as he left, he went to get someone I saw him get Harry.

No one's POV: The son of Gaston was nervous about what to say to the sweet girl but the son of Jafar had an idea & went to Harry, the young pirate was talking to the daughter of Ursula: Uma until he was interrupted by Jay. "What'd you want, Jay?" Harry asked him. "Hey Uma, you mind if I borrow your 1st mate for a second." The son of Jafar asked her. "Yeah, go ahead I don't mind I'll be over here with Mari & Evie." Uma said as she went to her sister & Evil Queen's daughter: Evie. "Alright, now what'd you want?" Harry asked him as Jay pointed to Gil still staring at Ally while Harry smirked at the sight of his friend looking at Alice's daughter. "This is gonna be payback for him teasing me about liking a certain girl." He said as Jay teased him. "Oh yeah, who...Uma~" The young thief teased as the young pirate punched him in the arm. "Sh-shut up...Jay." Harry said as Jay rolled his eyes in frustration. "Okay, okay jeez." Jay said as he sighed as they started to think of what Gil would do or say to Ally

What do you think will happen also what idea will Harry & Jay have for Gil
I hope you guys like it
I'll see you guys later
Bye my angels

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