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This is chapter 2

3rd POV: Jay & Harry both decided to help Gil out with Ally. "Gil, will you just go talk to her, already?" Gil jumped at the person, he turned to see Harry as he felt really nervous now, his hands started to shake & was sweating. "But, I don't think that's a good idea, Harry." Gil said as the young pirate didn't understand why for his reasoning. "Why not?" Harry asked him. "I don't even know what to say to her." He said as he was more nervous than he already was before. "Just say hi & go from there." Harry said as Gil started to get more nervous then starts to take a deep breath & begins to walk towards Ally while she was talking to the daughter of Ariel: Melody. "Um, h-hi." Gil said as Melody & Ally turned around to face the nice guy who was sweating & blushing madly since he's never seen a girl so pretty before in his life like ever.

Ally's POV: Melody & I were talking when a guy, I thought that he kinda cute. "Um, h-hi." The guy said, I thought he was talking to Melody but turns out he was talking & looking at me. "Oh, hi there." I said as he bowed down towards in a polite manner as I curtseyed. "I'm Gil, son of..." He started but I already knew who his dad was because Ben told me about the guy who wanted to marry his mom. "The son of Gaston, I know Ben told me." I said, I started to feel embarrassed because I'd cut him off. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you." I said embarrassed. "It's okay but what's your name?" Gil asked me. "I'm Ally, nice to meet you." I said smiling at him. "Nice to meet you too." Gil said as he smiled back at me too but I saw his cheeks turning red, we talked for a while & we also laughed until Ben called me. "Looks like I have to go now, it was nice meeting you." I said as I smiled. "O-okay, bye...wait."Gil said as he grabbed my hand, which made me blush a little. "Y-yes." I said. "I-I was wondering if you wanted to hangout s-sometime." Gil asked me as he stuttered a little asking me but it was cute to me, I smiled & looked at him. "Oh sure I'd love to." I said as I saw him smile, I waved bye to him then I saw Melody giggling. "So how'd it go, Ally?" She asked me, I didn't realize she was listening to us. "You were listening?" I asked her as I blushed a little. "Maybe a little, but how'd it go." She asked me as I felt a little bit embarrassed that she was listening to us. "Well, he seemed nice." I said as I walked to Ben to see what he wanted me for.

I'll try my best on updating this story
I hope you guys like it
I'll see you guys later
Bye my angels

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22 ⏰

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