It was opportunity at first sight!

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You were on a train heading back home, while looking out of the window thinking about my little brother's latest message. "You really need to find a husband Y/n. The secret police are on to us! And while your at it can you please find me a wife. Please!" you sign and huffed.

'What am I going to do. They'll take Anya from us and then they might find out that she and I are telepaths!  What. To. Do. Oh, what to do!'

All of a sudden the gentleman sitting across from you spat his coffee on his newspaper. He coughed a little but continued to read his paper, when suddenly he ripe the paper.

"I'm suppose to have a kid in seven days!" he exclaimed.The whole cart looked at him and some even gasp. He apologized and went back to reading his paper.

You just stared blankly at him and gave his a concerned look. 'Odd thing to say, now I'm curious. What is going on in that head, Mister?'.

'We're calling it "Operation Strix." It's the key to maintaning peace between East and West, and perhaps . . . the entire world. You're the type of hero that casts no shadow.

Your great deeds nerver see the light of day. Althought You'll won't earn no medals, or public fan fair. Dont forget you blood, sweat and tears makes everyone else day today lives possible.'

'Alright. I throw away my identity when I became a Twilight. So I will take the roll of father. If it means the world will be a safer place.' Your mouth hanged open. The man, no Twilight look up at me with a confused look across his face. You stood up and shouted "Will you marry me!".

The man was shocked to say the very least. His mouth hunged open and eyes wide with surprise. Suddenly your locket fell off and hit the ground, which had opened the locket.

The man sat still, but then went to down pick up the locket. He look at the photos at the locket and saw  a recent photo of Anya and a picture of Emil in his graduation gown form Eden Academy.

"Are these two your childern?" He ask while hand back the locket. "The little girl is, but the young man in the photo is my younger brother. He's four younger then me, but he went to Eden." you explained.

"Oh . . . Is she going to Eden?" He asked. "I want her to, but I don't have a husband for the intrveiw and Eden makes not ceptions. But I want her to surpass me because I didn't have an educaltion like my brother. He went to Eden and now owns the family business and is know a esteem gentalmen in the higher society. I am proud of him, of course, and what he's accomplished. But I don't want that to be my life I want a choose in what I want to be in my life, but Eden would have do a great help with that, so I want her to go to there." you rambled to him.

'This could be good for the misson, I  would have a wife and a child quicker then I anticipated.' I so desperately wanted to roll my eyes. 'Jeez, I should have just kept my mouth shut if he thinks  this way on me.' You noticed that the train had stop and we were at the train station.

This twilight guy was to busy planning on how to get me to marry him and have marrige certificate that states we have been married for a year with out scaring me off or get suspicious of him. That's when I grab my luggage and was out the train.

Once I was off, I looked around trying to find my brother and daughter. "MAMA!" You hear from across the station. You looked to your right and saw your beautiful little girl, running up to you. You squite down to her level and stretched your arms out to catch her.  She ran in your arms and hugged you tight.

"I miss you mama!" "I miss you to my little peanut! " You cried out in joy. You lefted your head and look around. "Where's you uncle, peanut?" "Uncly was so slow and I just wanted to see you has soon has I can!" You laught and shooked your head. You then lifted her and start to walk to the parking lot.

"Anya you need to be more patient. Rember all good thing come to those who wait. Okay?" "But mama! I waited this long just for you to come back!" She declared and stretched her arms out has far as she could.

"Okay. I'll let it slide for know, but don't do it again, okay?" "Okay Mama!" I got to my brother's car and saw that twilight man with Emil. They were discussion with each other. 'I wonder what they are talking about.' You pause and listeind in. "Y/N is going to kill me! Sir are you sure you haven't seen a little girl with pink hiar and emerald eyes!"

Twilight was about to answer, but I interrupted him. "Do you mean the is child right here Emil?"  Both men turned and look at Anya and me. "Anya! Oh thank god! Your all right!" Emil said while running up to us and grabed Anya from your arms. He kissed her face and hugged her close to his chest.

"I will never letting out of my sit again!" "Wow. I feel so loved." You stated. Emil losed his grip on Anya and look up at you. "Y/N! Welcome back! Did you have a safe trip home." Emil said sheepishly.

I rolled my eyes and trun to Twilight. "Hello again sir. I see you meet my brother." "Yes. I bumped into him while he was searching for young Anya here."

'Actually, I was look in for you to discuss the terms of an aragment I have for you. But I saw your borther and notice that he was looking for someone. I was hoping it was you. So bumped it to him and tried to get some informatin that can help me with my mission. Operation Strixs.'

'Mission! MAMA!' Anya look at me.youturned and looked back at her. 'Yes peanut. This man is a spy and it on a mission to save world peace.'  'So cool!' Anya's eyes had stars in them. 'Oh boy.' I huffed and truned back to Twilight.

"Well since we keep bumping into each other. My name is Y/N, Y/N Dolion." I lifted my hand out waiting for him to take it. "Loid Forger. Pleasure to meet you Ms.Dolion." he said while shaking my hand.

'Now how to make her my wife.'

'Now how to make him my husband?'

Now Auther note! Your fake last name is Dolion according to google means decitful in Greek. You will so see L/N soon just be patient. Please. Hope you enjoy see in the next chapter! ~

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