Promise Me

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A/N Hello! Yea..I wasn't planning to do this but I didn't want my lovely readers to be put on hold so I decided to make this as a little change from the sokeefe. 

Tam's POV

" Relax, Bangs Boy it's gonna be fine," Keefe said, rolling his eyes. Tam stopped pacing and turned to scowl at him. " No. What if I screw up and she realizes she doesn't like me anymore and then she wants to break-" Tam was abruptly cut off by Keefe's snickers. " Tammy Boy you sound like me before I proposed," Keefe said. " Ya, at least I didn't come crying thinking that my girl would ditch me because she hates me!" Tam snapped back. Keefe jolted up from where he was lying on the couch. " Dude. I did NOT cry!" Keefe retorted. "Yeah, right. Believe what you want. Everyone saw the tears in your eyes."  Tam said with an eye roll. Geez, this kid. He felt bad for Sophie.

Dex, Fitz, and Wylie watched the conversation from the corner with amused looks. They were the same person but how they hated it. " Guys! We are here to find a good way for Tam to propose to my sister, not fight. Let's get back to the task." Fitz jumped in. Tam glared at Keefe and nodded. Keefe sighed and nodded. They got together and crafted the perfect plan. This was going to be very interesting.

Biana's POV

" Bi! You said you're going on a date with Tam today, right?" Sophie asked. Biana nodded. Tam had asked her on a romantic date that would take place at a very romantic field called Sunfield. " Well, I am gonna pick out your outfit!" Sophie finished in a sing-song voice. Biana's jaw dropped. Sophie was going to pick out an outfit for her. What the heck? " You. Are going to pick an outfit for me? Yeah no thanks I don't want to wear a tunic and pants to a date." She replied with a smug smile. Sophie scowled at her but proceeded to look through Biana's wardrobe. She then pulled out a long teal silvery-blue dress that, admittedly, looked pretty. It didn't have frills but the simple dress managed to look striking. 


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She put it on along with doing her makeup since Sophie had to go home because Keefe needed her. Honestly? How does Sophie even put up with his self-love? He loves to gush about his hair. Tam was a more mature version of him. A thought struck her. They should go on double dates! The idea itself made Biana want to squeal. She realised she only had another 15 minutes so she put on a simple silvery-blue eyeshadow and shiny pink lip gloss. She put on a brand-new pair of blue heels that Tam had given her for her birthday. She held the crystal up to the light and let the glow sweep her away.

                                          ~ Time Skip to Tam about to propose~

Sophie's POV

Sophie hid behind a bush with her husband. They were waiting for Tam to propose. " Fosterrrr," Keefe whined. She let out a sigh. Tam better propose soon or she was doing it for him. " I am bored" He whined. "Keefe! Be quiet! If you be good I will...make you mallowmelt!" She hissed at him. His eyes lit up and he nodded excitedly. She had to bite back a giggle, he was adorable. She adjusted her dress. She had decided to wear something a little bit out of her style for once because it would make Biana happy. It was reached right above her knees and was sleeveless. Keefe absolutely loved it. She had also simply let her hair down. It fell past her shoulders. They finally heard an excited and happy " Yes!" They threw flowers into the sky and clapped. Tam and Biana were kissing under the rain of flowers. 

Biana's POV

Tears of joy streamed down her cheeks as Tam pulled her into a kiss. It was sweet and passionate. Tingles shot through her body as she felt like a feather. It didn't help that Tam had dressed up very hot. 

It caused his abs to pop

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It caused his abs to pop. They broke apart and she was immediately wrapped in a hug by Sophie. " You knew!" Biana yelled. Sophie pulled away and giggled. " Of course, I knew! That's why I  picked out your dress to make sure you were wearing a good one on a special day!" Sophie yelled. Biana laughed. She caught Fitz and Keefe telling Tam something. Being overprotective, she was sure they were threatening him. They all leaped to a restaurant to eat dinner. 

 They talked a lot about their wedding and had most of it planned out. Biana was sure about one thing though. She didn't care whether she would be a good match or a bad one. All that mattered was whether she got to be with him.

*The rest went home so now it's only Tam and Biana.

" Tam? I think...I should take up your last name," Biana said hesitantly. She didn't want to be connected to the Vacker Legacy or some crap. Tam's head jerked up." Are you sure?" He asked. She nodded. She took a deep breath and explained, " I want you to know that the Vacker name may be powerful but the Song name holds power too. You and Linh played a huge part in defeating the Neverseen. Anyways, what I mean is. Your last name makes me feel more connected to you." Tam smiled. He pulled her closer and connected their lips. After a blissful few minutes, they pulled apart. " Promise me. That you'll always be with me." Tam asked. Biana leaned her head on his shoulder and promised. 

She had to tell her parents. She also had to break the news about the last names. But for now, she just wanted to enjoy the time with her fiance. 

Sorry it's short and not in detail but I had to do this without my parents catching me and that was pretty tough. Sorry for the errors. I hope you like it. Bye!

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