Chapter 4

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Now, Ford was blabbering about Gemini dismissed him from being a member of the band to his friends. He was very mad that he's thinking to form a new band.

"I'm very upset that Gem didn't choose me as one of the members. We have been friend for a while but how could he just threw me away!!!. Ai sat ."Ford blabbering to his friends.

"There could be a solid reason why P'Gem didn't choose you,P'Ford." Jaoying said.

"Gemini want to form a band that he can lead smoothy. If you was in the band too, it's going to get hard for him to discuss and lead the guys as you and him always had different opinion. You guys will always fight with each other." P'Milk said.

" Let's just wait for him so he can explain why he didn't choose you,okay teerak." Mark assure him

" I understand if I wasn't in his plan but why he didn't tell me anything. We've been friend for a long time. Now,we were also study at the same university, it's not hard if he just came and discuss with me about this matter. I was very sad when I heard that he choose the other guys who he just met."Ford explain to his friends why he's mad.

Later,Gemini arrived to them and he can see that Ford was upset with him.

"Tell us why you didn't pick Ford as the members of the band." Prom asked him as soon as Gemini sat.

"There's no any specific reasons.Ford just learnt how to play piano. He might face some difficulties if he was in the band. The guys which I picked had experience in playing the instrument. There will be no issue in the future. Plus,I want to be fair. I didn't want people to badmouth Ford if he didn't able to catch with us later." Gem explain.

All of his friends were very shocked when they listen to Gem's explanation.They didn't know that Gemini will be honest and told them the real reason behind it. They were able to understand about Gemini action. However,Ford   on the other hand was mad. The moment Gemini finished his explanation,he know that Gemini underestimated him.


"I didn't meant to hurt you but that's the true"Gemini respond.

Ford is getting angrier. He was going to hit Gemini when he noticed Love was on her way to their table.

"Sawaddee krab P'Love."Ford greet her.

"Sawaddee ka nong."Love replied.

All of his friends were looking at Love. They knew that Love is Ford senior but they didn't know that they were closed with each other.

"Why were you here? Do you need me to do anything" Ford asked his senior.

"Chai,I need you to help me. My nong, he left home without bringing his allowance. I was searching for him for a while but I didn't meet him yet. I can't also reach him. I need you to help me hand this to him. Phi was late for class already."Love explain.

" Of course,you can give me that. I will hand him later as I didn't have any class after this"Ford answered.

"Finally,thanks nong. Please hand  him this. I'll go now."Love said then leave their table.

Ford seem to be calm after he met with Phi Love. He looked at the wallet which is Fourth's. Then he got some idea.

"I'll form a new band so I can prove you that I can also play piano."Ford said.

Gemini snorted after he heard him while the others were worried for him. Gemini is known to be talented. He know how to play all the instrument. Plus he has beautiful voice and is a good looking guy.

"Don't underestimate me Gem, I'll prove you."Ford said firmly.

"Ai Prom,you will be the drummer"Ford add.

"Stop! I can't! I just learnt how to play drum. I'm not a skilled drummer". Prom said as he was shocked with what he just heard.

"Don't give up,Prom. We didn't try yet. We need to give it a try". Ford assure him.

"I...I...I will give it a try maybe..." Prom said as he didn't want to upset his small friend more.

Ford was very happy and he's determined to show Gemini that he's skilled too.

The others were very shocked with the situation right now. Ford just declared a cold war with Gemini.They didn't believe their eyes and ears.Gemini on the other hand was just stay silent and didn't get bothered by it.

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