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The glow of the computer screen illuminated Josiah's slender face, his hazel eyes narrowed in concentration behind black square-framed glasses. His short brown hair was mussed on top from running his hands through it, a nervous habit when deep in thought. Josiah's fingers flew across the keyboard, lines of code filling the screen faster than most could comprehend. He was lost in the world of algorithms and logic, his true passion.

Josiah paused, leaning back to review his work. A satisfied smile pulled at his mouth. The new compression algorithm he'd designed was coming along perfectly. At only 23, Josiah was a rising star at his software engineering firm, with a knack for elegant code.

"Burning the midnight oil again?" said a voice behind him. Josiah jumped, broken from his trance. He swiveled his chair to see his coworker Gemma grinning knowingly in his office doorway.

"Oh, hey Gemma," Josiah said. "Yeah, I got caught up tweaking this compression algorithm."

Gemma laughed. "Of course you did. Don't you have a life outside of code?"

Josiah rubbed his neck self-consciously. His life mainly consisted of work and gaming. Making real connections had always been a struggle.

"I'm just teasing," Gemma said, walking over and squeezing his shoulder. "Your passion is amazing. But promise me you'll get some sleep tonight?"

Josiah smiled shyly back at her. "I'll try."

After Gemma left, Josiah sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He knew she was right - he needed balance. But code was safe. Code didn't judge or complicate. If only everything in life could be as elegant and logical as code.

With a reluctant glance at the screen, Josiah powered down his system. As he stepped out into the cool night air, the tension eased from his slender shoulders. Maybe he'd grab a drink before heading home. Baby steps.

Josiah wandered down the neon-lit streets, hands in his pockets, taking in the nightlife around him. He had always been a bit intimidated by crowded bars, preferring the company of his computer, but he was trying to push beyond his comfort zone.

As he passed by a lively pub, raucous laughter spilled out into the street. Josiah paused, peering in through the window at the groups of friends cheering over beers and games. A pang of loneliness struck him. He had never quite fit in, even as a child.

Josiah's conservative upbringing had left him shy and repressed. He vividly remembered Bible study as a boy, squirming internally whenever sexuality was discussed. Early crushes on male friends filled him with shame. Over time he had learned to lock away that part of himself.

Shaking off the memories, Josiah moved on down the street. He chose a quieter bar and slipped onto a stool, ordering a whiskey neat. The amber liquid warmed him as it slid down his throat. For now, this was enough.

Baby steps.

Josiah nursed his drink slowly, observing the other patrons around him. A couple huddled together in a corner booth, laughing softly. Josiah averted his eyes, a familiar ache settling in his chest. He took another sip, letting the whiskey numb his thoughts.

Glancing at his watch, Josiah sighed. It was getting late, and he had an early morning ahead. As a software engineer, his days were consumed with complex codes and algorithms, solving problems with logic and precision. He found comfort in the order and structure of it.

Leaving some cash on the bar, Josiah headed out into the night once more. The air had grown colder and he shivered slightly, quickening his pace. His apartment was modest but comfortable, filled with sleek minimalist furniture and technology.

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