PT.1; Watery Ground

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One brisk morning Violet woke up to the sound of water in her bedroom, she quickly threw the Duvet off her the cold air hit her previously warm body, she jumped out of her bed and felt a cold wet feeling soak into her socks, she looked down and her carpet was drenched in water, she grabbed her gold-rimmed glasses off her desk and put them on hesitantly.

Violet ran downstairs, her socks still wet and cold. She ran into the kitchen in hopes of finding her mother Rose, but she was not there and neither was her father.

Violet started to panic but calmed herself down. 'Maybe they were in town?' though they probably wouldn't leave Violet alone without a note or even waking her up. Violet walked out the door not caring if her parents would get mad or not. They didn't say anything so in Violet's mind she just had to take matters into her own hands. Violet grabbed her shoes putting them on over her wet socks she then stood up grabbed her helmet and walked out the door.

Violet grabbed her bike from the side of the house expecting to be able to ride it to Boy her best friend's house as she was about to leave she saw lots and lots of debris around and on the road making it close to impossible to ride her bike so sadly she had to walk down the hill and to Boy's house which was a far walk hence why she usually rode her bike, she sighed annoyed as she placed her helmet on the bikes handle and leaned it against the wall and began walking, after around 20 or so minutes of walking she was now in the middle of town. The usually busy and vibrant place at this time of the morning was as empty as a ghost town.

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