PT.2; Greatings

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(Short Chapter)

She continued walking and made it to the doorstep of Boy's house knocking on his door loudly, Boy opened the door he looked like he had just woken up having bags under his eyes. Boy rubbed his eyes and said in a groggy voice "Huh? Violet what are you doing here" he must not know it flooded Violet pushed her way inside and said to Boy "It flooded the whole town which was destroyed and I don't know where everyone is" Boy looked at Violet as if he was joking but then soon realized she wasn't his face slowly turned paler then he already was, they both looked at each other they both nodded as if they could read each other's minds, Boy ran to his room grabbing a bag and Violet rummaged around the table with all of Boys fathers work papers, they grabbed some food water and other things that could be of use.

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