PT.3; Libary

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They were later walking through the town and its debris and saw the old library was somehow one of the buildings still fully intact, how? Why? They both looked at each other in confusion Boy slowly walked to the large wooden doors and tugged on the handle a loud creak came from the door as it opened the main area was large and mountains of books were scattered across the floor and tables, they could hear talking coming from behind one of the bookshelves where the reception table would be, they saw four people standing around talking Boy saw a familiar face amongst the group it was his father, Boys father turned around and had a face of relief he opened his arms and Boy ran into his embrace hugging tightly, they hugged the room was al warm and fuzzy but that didn't last long because Boys father William then let go and looked at the two kids and said "Violet, Boy there has been a flood as you may have already guessed now you must have a lot of questions and we are here to answered but first I need to tell you something..." William looked at them sympathy shone in his eyes the silence was piercing.

A while of silence was broken by William's sigh he brought himself to look at the two again and began speaking "You may be wondering where everyone is the short answer is we don't know there is no trace of anything everyone in the town just disappeared" the two people Violet and Boy had never seen before then it was silent till the lady spoke and said "I'm Cassidy I work at the bakery down the road and this is Lance he's the librarian" the people in the room now established Violet, Boy, Cassidy, Lance and Boys father William later of talking and conversations they wanted to figure out why and how everyone disappeared.

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