Report 1: A New Era of Kanazawa Tankery.

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The Pacific Ocean

Kanazawa Girls' Academy

The Wasp

"It's been so hot lately.." A girl grumbled as she looked up into the sky using her hand to block her eyes from the sun "I guess the heat is worse on the open ocean.." She groaned as she headed towards the park, to try and get some shade from the heat that was currently beating down on her.

She walked into the park, walking over to a vending machine, placing a dollar into the machine and getting a water out of the machine, grabbing it from the bottom and starting to drink it, letting out a sigh of relief as she finally started to cool down.

"I haven't had a chance to really explore this place.. These first few weeks have been so hectic.." The girl started to walk deeper into the park, looking around as she took in her surroundings, enjoying the peace and quiet of the park, before she came across a hill leading down into a bunker.

She walked inside of the bunker, looking through it, pulling out her phone and turning on her flashlight, continuing to look around "Out of all things on this island I never really expected a bunker to be here." She walked deeper into it before coming across a.. Tank..?

"Woah?! What in the hell is an ELC Bis doing here?!" The girl said ecstatically as she set her phone down on the tank as she started to look all over it "It doesn't seem to be in bad condition..!" She went and opened the hatch of the tank before getting into the driver's seat.

"..Eugh! It stinks.." She held her nose as she finally got inside of the tank, grabbing her phone from the hatch and shining it around the inside "..I'll probably have to hand crank it.." She slowly got out of the tank, looking around for awhile before finding said tool, she walked around to the back of the tank and stuck it inside and started to, well, attempted to crank it, but she couldn't even budge it at first.

"Hmph! I guess you do have to work for what you want.." She rolled up her sleeves before grabbing onto it tightly and then starting to very slowly move it, the engine bay of the tank starting to lowly whirr. As she continued to crank, the whirring started to increase in pitch.

"This is harder than expected.." She started to sweat as she continued to crank for a couple more minutes, the whirring starting to get louder, and louder before it reached a peak, she yanked the starter release lever back, the tank's engine sputtering for a moment before it roared to life.

She cheered for a moment before scurrying into the tank and swapping the gear into neutral before the engine finally gave out, falling into silence once again "Haha! I just managed to do it!" She laughed as she got out of the tank again "Now to push it out of here!" She went and got behind it before starting to slowly push it out of the bunker.

A good half hour later, She finally managed to push the tank out of the bunker "That took.. Longer than expected.." She laughed some as she wiped some sweat from her forehead "Man, this is a nice purple camo.." She muttered as she now could look at it with more light than just her phone "Maybe I can give this to the tankery club.. They do only have one tank at the moment.." She sat on top of the tanks turret and thought for a bit before coming to a realization and gasping.

She immediately pulled out her phone "This could be our chance!" She then called her best friend, hoping that she would pick up, and she ended up answering the call.

"Miyuki? What's up?"

"Hey Mem! I found a tank that we could use together!" She spoke excitedly through the phone as she held it close to her ear "We're gonna finally be able to get you into tankery!"

"Where did you even find a tank, Miyu..?" Mem sounded concerned as she answered "And what do you mean to use together? The tankery program at this school is severely underfunded afterall..."

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