Chapter 1

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Hi I'm Ariana, I'm your average teenager ... Wellll except for the fact I don't fangirl over boybands and like shopping and all those stuff.... Yea I'm average. I'm 6'1 (v tall ik) ,colered hair, skinny, and pale ... Yup that's me. I'm from Albany, new York and hate my life ... Oh + I'm punk rock asf ... I listen to bands such as P!atd , sws,atl, nirvana and etc...

Right now I'm on my way to school which I hate ... Ive always been bullied for being different but fuck people I don't need them ... I head downstairs wearing my usual attire which consists of : black ripped jeans, band T-shirt and my old vans I've had for about 1000000 years now and I like em.

" hey sweetie , how are you?" . My mom asks me as she serves me breakfast.

"I'm good , you know I love waking up at 6:30 am to go to hell." I sarcastically reply to her.

"Oh stop it ... Well ya know your my only hope to get out of this place." My mom siads tuning into deep thought.

You see when I was 3 yrs old my dad left me and my mom because he I qoute " hated me" , also I have no siblings and my mom hasnt found anyone one else since then. Me and my mom have been living in a small 2 roomed apartment here in little Albany. So she's right I am her only hope.

"I know". I just reply and kiss her forehead.

Once I'm done eating my breakfast which was toast and eggs with a side of orange juice, I go out and wait at my bus stop. BTW I'm 16 and yes I don't have a car but that's only because my mom is short on finance but I understand.

My bus pulls up and I go take a seat by myself and just plug in my headphones as I listen to casual affair by p!atd. (My fav song ) , I hate talking to people so music helps me get through things.

My bus pulls up at my school driveway and I'm the last to get off (like always) I have one friend and one friend only her name is Jessie , she's like the second me , we've been friends since freshman year since we were so alike.

"Yo ariana!". I hear someone yell at me and see that its Jessie.

"Hey b" . I say to her .

We talk about random shit and them the bell rings ... Great class time. Luckily I have 1st period with Jessie so I'm good.

Jessie and I walk to 1st period together which is math ... Ewwwww anyway we go in and seat on our usual sits which is in the middle.

"Well well well if it isn't little miss punk rocks hahaha" . I hear an annoying snobby voice say to me .

Ughhh!!! Evetzi .... My worst enemy and one of the many people that bully me and Jessie ... I've always hated evetzi and she's always hated me for some reason ever since 8th grade... She just hates Jessie because she's friends with me . Evetzi is one of those snobby white bitches who call their dad "daddy" I wonder who else she be calling that if ya know what I mean.

"What do you want bitch". I sassily say to her.

"Oh you did not just call me a bitch". She says over dramatically .

" yup I did and I have no ragrets. " I say making a joke saying regrets wrong.

"Ugh shut up " . she annoyingly says and turns back to her wannabes aka her possie.

"She's such a puta " . Jessie says to me saying bitch in Spanish ..(both of us our Spanish BTW she's Puerto Rican and I'm Dominican)

"Tell me about it boo". I say

A couple minutes later I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around to see Luke Robert hemmings ,aka the school nerd ... We've never talked ever not even a simple hi ... Wonder what he wants now?

"Um yes?". I say realizing that probably came out a little rude.

" well um you see I left my pencil at home and have no extras and I need to get work done so can can I borrow a um a pencil". He says almost stuttering at every word.

"Um no sorry ". I tell him , I mean look at me , does he really think I have a pencil ... I don't even do my work.

He just nervously looks away and ask other people for a pencil , eventually getting one from Juliana some girl in class.

"That was weird" I turn to Jessie.

"Yea like yous never talked before ... So like awkward". She says

I just give a little chuckle and somehow my eyes and mind lead me to a nerdy boy with crooked glasses and weird clothes attire.

A/N hiii so this is chapter one of opposites ... I'm sorry I know it wasn't that good but its my first story so give me a break ... Also yes! The main character is another ethencity .... I know ariana grande isn't Hispanic but she can pass as one so yea it works

Also I have the pic of how Luke looks in this story and a pic of Jessie and a pic of Evetzi....

Alsooooo lol I don't wanna rush this story so if u don't see much of Luke at first don't freakout its still a lukriana story so yea i just wanna take it slowww but believe me it will get better and the rest of the boys are def in the story!

So yea add to your library and I'll update everyday adios !

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