Chapter 3

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Ariana pov

*fast forwarding* School has just ended and me and Jessie head out the building. Jessie gets a ride from her dad and I don't dare ask for one .. you see her dad HATES me , he says I'm "a bad influence for his daughter" but I've learned to live with it.

"Bye jess". I save goodbye to Jessie as her dad pulls up.

"Bye ariana". She waves back as her dad gives me a mean glare.

Luckily for me I take the bus whoo! .. not really I hate the bus but oh well .

I hop on the bus and like always put on my headphones and listen to some atl (all time low). 

Suddenly someone takes my attention.. I see luke come in the bus obviously struggling with where to sit since no one will let him .

I start feeling bad .. ugh I hate sitting with people but oh well

"Hey luke! Over here". I yell at him so he can hear me .

People glare at me but I just ignore.

"Re-really? Is this a prank?." Luke Questions.

"Coño si come over here before I change my mind !" I say starting to get annoyed.

Luke scrambles through people and gets to me , he then sits quietly and really nervous.

"S-so why did you um you know let me sit with you". He ask nervously.

"Well I kinda fell bad so yea" . I just say

"Oh ok". He says finally not stuttering.

The whole bus ride was quite until he had to get off .

"Bye" . He turns to me and says .

" ok ". I say ... damitt I have to stop sounding rude!!

The rest of the bus ride I just continue listening to music.

I get home and see my mom cooking dinner .

"Ugh mami I told you I could whip something up , you need sleep!" . I say feeling bad for my mama.

"Oh well to late now ..C'mon just eat". She says

"Fine , but next time I'm making something ok?". I tell her

"Okay fine". She says with her hands up in defense

I start eating my food which was rice, beans and chicken , average Spanish meal.

I finish my food and go to my room. I then do some homework and go in my phone to check instagram, Twitter , Facebook and YouTube ( I love veeoneye ) .

I then get a text from Jessie saying she's not going to school tomorrow .. unchanging why! She claims she's sick but I doubt it .. oh well I know I can't even try to not go to school my mom wouldn't allow that.

after arguing with her so she can come to school , I just give up and go take a shower and change into a oversized shirt .. slowly drifting to sleep.

A/N** hello guys . This was chapter 2 , sorry it took soo long , just didn't have much inspiration lately but I got a  kick of it after reading other stories.

So hope you enjoyed this .. this is my first story so I'm.not that good but yea . Ill try to update tomorrow or at least not let it hit a week without updating. Can't promise ya sorry.

Follow me on social media if ya want:

Twitter: @ dulcebutera
Instagram: @ karlaxx16

Also ariana dyes her hair a lot in the story so yea now it's purple she uses temporary hair dye so yea . That's her and somewhat how she dresses

«i added a picture»

So put this in your library for more and adios !

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2015 ⏰

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