Chapter 1

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   Hange's POV: 

I woke up realizing that I'm late for work.

I had overslept the night before, due to having to many thought's about the day before.

I'm gonna be Late crap! Erwin's going to kill me, this is the 3rd time this week. 

 *Slips on shoes* *Grabs coat* I hope he doesn't scold me like last time. That was not fun... *Gets into car* *Drives to work* I'm here! *Walks up to Levi* What's up shorty?

Don't call me that four eyes. Oh come on Levi don't be like that! Let's get to work now, Erwin might fire us if we don't start now. I doubt it four eyes, he has pitied you more then he should have. >:( Hey, that's rude you know! What about it, "Has his usual emotionless face on". You need to Learn how to respect women! Heh, you need to learn how to not make fun of my height every time you talk to me. Hey, I'm only stating facts! Shut up and get to work, before I make you clean the entire building. Y- Yes sir Hange's mind: He can really be scary sometimes... *Goes to where she works* *Sits down in chair* Where do I start. *Starts doing paperwork* *Walks up to Hange* I see your here now Hange, *stands up* Erwin! W- What are you doing here? I'm sure you are aware that you were late again. I- I'm sorry Erwin, I couldn't sleep again heh.

You need to start going to bed, instead of staying up talking to Levi over the phone. I'm sorry sir! I cant help but talk to him! He is just pleasant to talk to. His voice calms me, I get that Hange but you can't keep being late to work, I'm sure that you did not eat Breakfast this morning. Hange  sighs, you know me well Erwin I was rushing out the door and forgot to grab something to eat. How about you come and have some breakfast we me and some of your co-workers, they set up a breakfast table in the meeting room. That would be nice Erwin, do you know if Levi is coming? I'm assuming he is inspecting the room to make sure it's clean. Classic shorty move, we should go and eat before it's gone! I agree let's go Hange, FOOD I'M COMING!!!! 

Time skip, It is about 6:00 pm everyone is packing up to leave for the day. LEVIIIIIII "Levi sighs" not this again, what do you want four eyes? I wanted to know if you wanted to go out for dinner tonight!! Is this your way of asking me out? What?! Of course not why would I do that? "Hange says as she is sweating" You know what four eyes? Fine we can go out for dinner, but we both need to change. Were going to my house to change because yours is to far. Yay, let's go now I'm starving. There was a lot of paperwork today, yeah right that's just you goofing off talking to me for hours trying to annoy me. I do not talk for hours! Your the one that encourages me to. Hmp "Pouting" come on you big baby get in the car, so we can get changed for this dinner you wanted to go with me so badly for. Ok Levi! 

"After they got to Levi's house" Levi! What now four eyes? Your house is bigger then the last time I was here! It's the same house, are you absolutely sure that your not going blind? Hey, that's rude Levi! I was complimenting your house! You cant just say that, I'm trying to be nice to you but your making it hard! Just come on in so we can get showered and changed. Who said I was going to shower? I did so come and take a shower before I make you take one. *Annoyed Levi* ok ok I get it mr clean freak, *walks into his house* your house is still as clean as it has ever been.

Is that supposed to be a insult or a compliment? Maybe a bit of both~ just go take a shower already I wanna get going before it gets to dark. Ok Levi *Walks to bathroom* Hange's mind: Wow his bathroom is really clean. He must clean it daily, I wish my bathroom could be as beautiful as this! Oi, four eyes I have extra clothes for you here. Ok thank you Levi! Whatever hurry up, don't take to long. *After Hange's shower* these are nice clothes Levi! Where did you even get heels from anyway? Idk from your closet that you used when you stayed with me? Oh yeah I forgot about that! Anyways, it's your turn to shower. I know that now leave so I can shower. 

                                                                         TO BE CONTINUED 

Hi everyone! It's Gabby, this is my first story.... EVER so I hope It's not bad! Please comment down below on what you thought about it! And let me know if you enjoyed enough for me to make a chapter 2! I hope everyone is having a wonderful Day/Evening/Night! 

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