Dark nights

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     You never know what gifts live will bring you. I was surrounded by people who would call me a blessing of a child, because I was extremely smart for the young age of five. My father was quite the opposite. He is very strict on me and my brother, and it's very hard to keep up with what he wants. We were always seen as the perfect family, although we definitely weren't. My family was poor and my mother and father did nothing but argue everyday. I was put on so much pressure to be perfect that I ran away from home. That was the stupidest decision I've ever made. I was a five year old, running in the middle of nowhere, not knowing where I was running to. Why did I choose to do such risky thing? People have to have it worser than me. So why did run away? When countless other people suffer more than me, why did I do it?

     6 years ago...

     I was breathing heavily and unevenly. My hair blew all over the place because of the harsh wind, making it hard to see. It was also hard to walk through the thick snow, as my foot found it hard to walk forward. My lungs felt as if they were freezing up into cold ice, not a so great feeling. I don't know where I'm going at all. I was trying to make my way to a city and instead lost my pathways. I'm stupid. Really stupid. Why did I think it was a good idea to run away from home? I could barely see anything with the hair in my face and the weather. But as I run further, I see something. My eyes shine with hope. I had saw a silhouette of what seems to be a man turned around. I yell to him in the top of lungs, although my voice came out raspy and almost unheard. I decide to try to walk as fast as possible to the man and get him to notice my presence. That's when he turns around. And I see what I yet to see the most terrifying thing in all existence. A man with gray skin and sharp teeth. He had pitch black eyes with some markings on his face. I yelp and back away a bit, frightened by the sighting. He then spoke with a raspy tone.

     "Heh...another feast."

     My eyes widen. Was this guy playing jokes with me? What even is he? He has such a creepy looking appearance, it makes me shiver. I was frozen in terror. I wasn't going to take any chances. I knew I had to run. Otherwise I might die. I quickly run ahead, my legs were barely cooperating with me. Why was this happening to me? Did I really deserve this? Everything is happening at once, it's just confusing my brain! I then hear another sound. A quick clash of what seemingly sounded like some kind of metal weapon. I quickly glanced behind myself ready to see the worst. But no. Instead, it was a young man. He wore strange clothing, at least it looked strange to me. He had long spiky dark colored hair and blue eyes. He had cutten off the creepy guy's head in one swift movement of his katana, which I assumed was what the sound came from. I was shocked, but happy at the same time. I look over to the creepy guy's head, which was disintegrating. It seemed he was yelling at the blue-eyed man, but the blue-eyed man said nothing in response, only looking at him momentarily before walking toward me.

     "Are you alright?" The blue-eyed man asked me. His was low and calm, it was gentle. I only nodded in response, I was still terrified and confused about the events that just took place. I was able to mutter out a few words while stuttering.

     "I-I'm...lost..." I say, coughing in between my sentences. I didn't even think he heard me, but he did because he nodded right after I spoke.

    "You seem young. Where are your parents? Do you not know where they are either?" He says coming closer to me. He seems unaffected by the weather, which made me shocked. This guy has to be really strong, I mean, he just cut off that guy's head! But can I really trust him?

    "I-I don't k-know where I am...o-or w-where they a-are..." I say, staring at the man. He nods calmly again, before offering his hand to me. I stare at his hand and look at him again.

    "Come with me, I'll try my best to help." He says, still having his hand reached out. I hesitantly grabbed his hand. He started walking through the snow, he looked so calm and nonchalant for all the things that just took place. Then I saw some lights in the distance, he seemed to be walking toward it. As we got closer, I realized it was a small and cozy house. He opened the door, letting me inside. I still didn't trust the guy, but this was much better than being outside all by myself in the harsh weather. He sat somewhere on the floor, and patted the area of the floor next to him, signaling me to sit next to him.

    "Sit next to me. Let's talk." 

   I sit next to him, crossing my legs. I look over to him, waiting for him to say something.

   "I am Giyuu Tomioka, the water pillar. The guy you just saw moments ago is a demon. They eat humans as a source of food, and only come out at night." My eyes widen. A demon? That was a demon? I had just realized how close to death I was. I wanted to ask him more questions, but I didn't want to interrupt what he was saying, so I waited for him to continue.

    "That demon would've ate you up if I hadn't been there. So, I have a few questions to ask you. Why are you out here at the cold night? Do your parents not look for you?" He asks. I didn't want to say I ran away, but it was true. I had ran away. It took a long time before I responded.

    "I ran away." I said, my voice still recovering . His curiosity seemed to peek. 

     "I see...well I'll need to return you to you parents. You may need to stay in my place for some time." He said, standing up. He walked to a door, he was going to leave the room. Great. I didn't want to stay here, neither did I want to go back to my parents. I had to think of something. Anything. How could I make up a excuse to not return to my home? And get out of here? Then I thought of something. 

    "Uh...my family was eaten my demons!" I said bluntly. It sounded outrageous to my mind, but maybe he would believe it. And he did. He quickly turned and looked at me, His eyes seemed to display sympathy towards me, and he started walking back to me.

    "Oh...that's unfortunate. I will try my best to take care of you. I don't have much, but I promise I'll do my best." He said, softly. He knelt down to my level, patting my head. Maybe it would not be so bad to stay with him. He seemed like a nice person, I mean, he did save my life. I nod as I watch him walk away. What do I do now?

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