A Conqueror's Crisis [chapter 1]

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Zim had always been determined to become an invader. It was his purpose, his whole identity. But ever since the second he stepped on Earth, he's failed every single plan. He hasn't had a single success. He was laughed at and mocked by other Irken and his arch-nemesis, Dib Membrane. That didn't stop him though, he continued trying again and again, he was relentless, desperate to succeed and gain respect from The Tallest. The longer he stayed on Earth the worse it got, his plans getting worse and worse as his desperation grew immensely. He was cracking under the pressure and his entire mission was in jeopardy because of it.

Zim walks into his home, his clothes a mess, his face dirty. He has tears in his eyes as he grumbles frustratedly and throws his invention against the wall, watching it shatter as anger courses through him.  "Agh! I don't understand! Why do all my plans fail!?" He yells as he balls his fists in anger. He sighs ''I can't keep messing up.. The Tallest won't accept another screwed up plan.. what am I supposed to do..?" Zim talks to himself as he makes his way down to his lab.

As Zim enters his lab he finds Gir sleeping on the floor. He pays him no mind as he walks up to the large monitor. He takes a deep breath before speaking ''Computer, call the tallest." His voice is stern and upset.

"*Beep*  Yes, sir." Zim watches as the call goes through after a short moment of static and The Tallest answer. "What is it this time Zim?" Red asks, clearly annoyed. ''I um.. I've called to report-'' Purple cuts him off "Report what? another failed mission?''  His tone is slightly aggressive as he scoffs ''You know Zim, we've tried to be nice, but this clearly isn't working. You are no invader, Zim. You're just a useless Irken that does nothing but get in the way. All you do is fail, you're useless, Zim." Purple speaks coldly, his words piercing Zim's ears like a deafening siren. 

"N-no, My Tallest, y-you don't understand! I-I'm d-doing the b-best I can, this planet's defenses are too high and-!"

"No, Zim, you don't understand. YOU. ARE. NOT. AN. INVADER. And you never will be! Stop making up your dumb little excuses and accept it. You're a disgrace to the Irken empire, stop calling us and get over yourself." Red yells and ends the call.

Zim's eyes widen as he watches the static on the screen, processing what he just heard. The Tallest's words ringing in his ears as he falls to his knees. Tears ran down his cheeks as he sat on the ground and reality hit him. "N-no.. i-it can't b-be true.. This i-is j-just a dream, right..?" he mumbled, his body trembling. He had just lost everything, his life's purpose, his dream, his identity. 'who am I if not an invader..?' Zim thought. He didn't know anything anymore. His entire world had just been flipped upside down and he didn't know what to do. It felt as if all of reality had slipped away, nothing else existed except for the pain he felt in that moment.

His body hit the floor with a thud as he flopped, not bothering to get up. He laid there and cried, unable to do anything else. He knew the other Irkens had always laughed at him, never believing he could be an invader but he never thought they were right. "I guess they were right after all..'' he muttered through his sobs. "I could never be an invader.. who am I? What am I? it all feels so wrong.. nothing's right.." Zim was on the brink of a panic attack as all these thoughts flooded his mind. He had no idea who he was anymore, or who he was even supposed to be.

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