did i just cheat

360 8 2

dean:you ready aj


dean:alex is at daycare

aj:and I'm ready for school

dean and aj get in the car


dean puts on his dark glasses



aj:let's go

dean drives to school


dean and aj get out the car and walk in school

aj:jon you not coming to class

dean:no i gotta meet up with the wolf's

aj:ok miss you

dean:you too baby

aj walks away and paige walks up to dean

paige:i missed you baby

paige kisses dean and aj sees and runs away

dean:paige i told you last year we are over i love aj!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

paige:no you still love me

dean:no i don't i love april jeanette mendez


roman walks to aj

roman:why are you crying

aj:(crying)i saw dean and paige together

roman hugs aj

roman:it can't be they broke up

aj:(crying)what do you mean broke up

roman bends down to aj's height

roman:last year dean dated paige and she cheated on him and they broke up and had a crush on you ever since

aj wipes her tears

roman:just last night dean couldn't stop talking about how much he loved you and he is so glad he had a girl like you in his life

aj runs to dean

dean:hi baby

aj hugs dean by his neck

dean:baby i want youth to know---------

aj kisses dean

aj:(softly)don't talk babe i know already

dean:i love you

aj:i love you too

dean:i promise I'll never leave or cheat on you

aj:and I'll never cheat or leave you

aj leans dean against the wall and kisses him

dean:want to see wolf's

aj:no imma go to class

aj walks to class while aj stares at her butt

aj:dean stop!!!


dean walks through the halls


dean starts howling and roman joins in

dean:bro where is john and daniel

roman:brie and nikki

dean:i might as well leave


dean:yo thanks for talking to aj for me

roman:yeah aj's she's a nice girl don't mess up


dean walks to class

dean:(faking out of breath)sorry I'm so late my brother was being so stupid

mr guerrero:just sit down

dean sits next to aj

dean:hey baby


mr guerrero:so flour time

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