You've kissed me~

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   They both sit up as Herobrine gets ready to listen. He needed something to distract him for a few minutes. Entity303 sighs and begins.

   "So this happened before I got that horrible feeling. It was basically a cause and effect situation. You remember how long I've been distant for?"

   "No, it was quite a while ago sense you told me about it."

   "Okay because most of that time wasn't me feeling bad. A lot of it was the cause of it. I was...with this girl. She was like a friend or more to me." 303 starts struggling to speak, not knowing how to properly word his story with a hint of fear from Herobrine. "She was amazing, perfect in a way. I think we were even in love at one point. We would fish at her handmade pond, mine for some iron, it was nice. She wasn't that far in progress so it was hard for her to even find one diamond." He chuckles at the memories. "I was able to protect her from time to time. I never realized how many griefers and thieves there are in this world. But that maybe because she was special. Sure, it scared her but I was always there when she needed it."

   "We're they a player or something? You act like they weren't but I can't think of any other girl than Alex. If that's not the case, then why are you trying to be with a player?"

   " it was a player..." He speaks with fear.

   "Seriously!? Why though?" 303 tenses up as he remembers everything again.

   "I don't know other than how caring she was. Now, I didn't push the idea of being together. She wanted to be together and I accepted that. It feels so long ago that this happened. But, something bad happened. An incident that I cannot recover."

   "Well, explain it."

   "Alright...I finished attending one of your meetings and went over to her place. She got griefed by some players. The girl was able to fight off a couple of them, but it wasn't enough and...I saw her die. The small clouds appeared with her body being gone." The glitch slightly curls up, trying his best to stay relaxed. "I looked at the griefers being nothing more than just assholes. Assholes who were most likely adults judging by the way they acted. Why should I let this slide? Why should they be able to get away with that? I know you don't see me getting so violent or into torturing when it comes to killing players. But, it felt great to. I ripped their arms, legs, heads, everything off. I didn't allow them to escape either. If you would've saw the whole thing, you probably wouldn't see that as me anymore." 303 attempts to laugh through his pain that was coming back.

   "Why don't you get like that more often, I'm sure it would be kind of a stress reliever for you?" Herobrine suggests.

   "It's not necessary. Besides, they were the only ones who deserved that kind of treatment. I waited around her bed incase she would spawn back because it wasn't broken. But, she never cam back. It does convince me that they only have one life. Maybe they're living in a hardcore world or something. If that's the case, then those griefers really deserve what they got." Herobrine takes in the information.

   "Did it make you feel better getting all that out, the anger?"

   "For a short moment, yeah. But I do realize that she isn't coming back which hurt a lot. I hope those griefer's pains were worse." Anger peaks through 303's voice. "I'm sure now you can see why I hid away for so long. Why I've drank so much at the hub."

   "Yeah. Were any of those griefers someone you knew or no?"

   "None of them are familiar to me. You would've known that judging by how I was back then."

   "Well then. I'm sorry you had to go though that."

   "It's okay."

   "Is there something you want me to do for you?"

   "There's really nothing. Besides, it was a couple years ago. Maybe I still have an unhealthy habit or two. But, it's not that detrimental."

   "Have you ever actually went through the process or were you just trying to pretend it wasn't there?"

   "I don't know. I don't have much knowledge on that kind of stuff so I guess no?"

   "I mean, you're drinking yourself away, still thinking about the horrible event, having sexual times to overlap the bad. Don't you think it's still there?" 303 looks at the ground with this in mind. "It's fine if that's the case. It can be worked on though."

   "Maybe I do have a problem..."

   "We both do really. I want to get passed it. I want to get through every problem I have. I don't know how, but I'll get there." Herobrine confidently stares at Entity303. "We should be able to get through this." 303 finally looks back at Herobrine.

   "You really think so?"

   "I know we can. We've been through some shit before. This shouldn't push us down, even if we probably have all the time in the world." Entity303 takes in his words and smiles. He then scoots closer to Hero and kisses him. Herobrine's face turns red and doesn't know what to do. This kiss wasn't like the one he did the first time, it was more gentle and relaxed. They both pull away after a few seconds and stare with Herobrine's face still being red. 303 laughs at his expression.

   "You're still not used to that, are you?" He smirks, now holding back his laugh.

   "...I mean, what do you expect? I never kissed someone before..."

   "You've kissed me~" His smirk becomes viscous.

   "BUT! That's more like a relationship thing and we're just friends."

   "Are you sure? I mean, I've fucked you a few times. Not the mention that we basically live together now."

   "We only do that because you need me for it and you chose to stay here."

   "You enjoy it as well, don't act like I'm the only one who does." Herobrine feels backed into a corner with the argument with his turning red again. 303 then grabs Herobrine's hand and leans over him. "I can prove right now that you're into that sort of thing. Then I'd really be in the right~" His face gets redder only to realize that he was just describing his story a few minutes ago. 

   "Weren't you just getting upset over you lonely story? I don't think it's the best time to do this."

   "Why? Scared?"

   "Why would I be scared of you? Especially about what you're wanting from me." 303's desires feel closer as he leans in more, almost making Herobrine fall onto the ground.

   "Okay, maybe you're not scared. Maybe you're wanting the pleasure?"

   "I think you're describing yourself."

   "Really? You did not just say that." 303's smirk fades in annoyance.

   "What? Are you deaf now?" Herobrine teases. Entity303 grabs Herobrine's shirt and leans him in for another kiss. The kiss became aggressive for Herobrine as he does a small whine. They let go and pulled back into each other. This was something they both needed, denying that or not. 

Why Are You Still Around? [Herobrine x Entity303]Where stories live. Discover now