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Slime grew up with clay in his little home
Now clay was never really home but slime still loved him
Slime never found out what happened with his mom
Slime was now 13
And he has learned that the world is a bad place
Clay would bring home a friend
His friend was named George and George would say inappropriate things to slimecicle
Slime learned the hard way that just because you say No doesn't mean people will listen
Clay didn't believe slime about it because George was well George
Of course he got away with it
Slime would go outside and sometimes meet a kid named Ranboo
Slime and Ranboo was like best friends
They was always together
But things might change

Slimecicle shot out of bed happily and got dressed " clay!!!" Slimecicle yelled and ran to clays room and opened the door and looked confused when no one was there
" clay?" Slime looked around
Slime walked downstairs and saw a cake on the table with a note

Dear Charlie
Wow you're 14 already??? It seems like just yesterday I found you all alone outside in the snow! Now I might not be home for your birthday sadly I know but listen I'll make it up to you I promise! This was all I could get you my sweet baby boy so I'll see you later
Love, clay

Slime smiled at the note and grabbed the small cake and left
Slime was walking down the road eating his cake when out of no where
" hey slime boy! Did you know your daddy's in jail!" Slime turned to look at the person " huh?" Slime was confused he didn't have a dad
" fat ass slime put the cake down and look around "
Slime took another bite of cake and looked at the news board and gasped clay in prison?!???
Slime ate the last bit of cake and ran to the prison
Sam nick and clay was outside a big crowd around them
Slime pushed threw the crowd
" clay?" Slime said softly and clay turned and saw slime
Clay looked surprised " why are you here?" " clay! You being put in prison why wouldn't i be here??" Slime didn't know what to feel when clay looked at him
" everyone here means something to me, you don't mean a damn thing to me"
Slime felt his heart break into millions of peace's
Slime didn't know how to feel
" and to think I thought of you like a dad" slime said and ran off before clay- no Dream could apologize
When slime was walking home people was making fun of him just like old times
But this time he didn't have anyone to comfort him when he got home
He didn't have his mom
He didn't have dream who would kill people who made fun of slime
Slime had no one
He went to Phil's to see if Ranboo could play but Phil said 'anyone dream raised isn't aloud' and slammed the door
So slime just went home
Slime was upset but that was ok
He didn't like the name Charlie anyway

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2023 ⏰

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