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LORENA stood in the bathroom of the hotel room where her and Klaus were staying in the meantime as she washed her face

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LORENA stood in the bathroom of the hotel room where her and Klaus were staying in the meantime as she washed her face.

Her eyes slowly began to tear up wiping them as she could hear footsteps from outside the door figuring that Klaus had just returned. The two had not yet spoken. As Klaus was too busy with finding a pack to fulfill his wish of making more hybrids.

A knock sounded at the door. "My love, may I come in?" Klaus could hear his wife sniffing like she had been crying as he slowly open the door.

Lorena spoke softly. "Yes."

Klaus's eyes softened as he noticed her expression as he could tell she had been crying. "My love what is the matter?" Klaus went to her side quickly pulling her into his arms.

Lorena turned around in his hold as she wrapped her arms around him. "I cannot do this anymore Nik."

Klaus pulled out of her hold slightly. "My love what do you mean?"

"You've been avoiding me Nik. You don't want to talk about anything ever. You never have the time to talk about anything."

"Then we can talk now my love." Lorena could sense that he wasn't finished speaking. "After my and Stefan finish an errand."

Lorena looked down but Klaus picked her head back up. "Right after my love." Lorena decided that she wouldn't wait any longer they would speak now. Klaus not noticing her expression walked out of the bathroom.

"Stefan. I'm all finished now we can get going." Klaus was stopped as Lorena's hand lifted in the air sending him flying into one of the hotel rooms walls. Klaus groaned in pain as he tried to get out of her hold but her hand kept him there. "You'll have to excuse my husband Stefan, I'm sure you can do it on your own and come right back here. After all you are completely loyal to him right?"

Stefan looked at the two before returning his gaze back to Lorena awkwardly laughing at the situation. "Yes." He cleared his throat. "I'll actually get going right now."

Klaus began to protest as his attempts to speak failed as Lorena continued to silence him. "Finish it and come right back here. If you don't return in the next two hours, I will track you down. Remember Stefan though I've been in a box granted by my husband for over 500 years I still know very much of what I'm doing."

Stefan nodded at her deciding he would follow her word, as after all they had just saved his brother. "I'll get right on it."

"Perfect!" Lorena said cheerfully as she watched Stefan walk out the door. Before she turned to her husband. "Now we can talk. Without any disruptions."

Klaus sucked in a breath, scared of what his wife would do to him now that they were alone. Lorena noticing his struggle released his hold as he fell to the ground.

Klaus began to let out a deep breath as he spoke, "Whatever you want my love." Lorena vamp sped up to him. Klaus backing up slightly into the wall.

"Why?" It was the simple question she would ask until he answered her truthfully.

"To protect you."

"You're lying."

Klaus shook his head quickly. "I do not lie my love."

"Then why?"

"As I've said to protect you."

"You and I both know that not until recently I was stronger than you. You know I could have protected myself. So tell me why." She continued to urge him noticing his frustration as he tried to appear calm.

"My love-"

"Niklaus stop lying to me-"

"I'm not lying! I wished to be the one to protect you! I am your husband, I should be the one to protect you from danger. Not yourself, me." Klaus took a moment before he continued. "Mikeal was still at large, he is still at large. But now I can protect you when back then I could not. It needed to be done."

"Why didn't you tell me this?"

"There was no time. Villagers were being killed and it wasn't us. I knew it was my father Lorena. I knew it was Mikeal." Klaus cringed slightly at saying his father's name. "There wasn't enough time."

"What about the others? You hadn't daggered them yet." She was talking about Rebekah and Elijah as Kol and Finn had long been daggered by then.

"You were my main priority then and now. I cannot afford to lose you Lorena. Everyday since I broke your promise, I have hated myself for using that dagger on you. But I needed you safe. And I saw no other way. It wasn't supposed to be for this long. I had planned to un-dagger you after I had met Katerina. Elijah set an end to my plans as he had turned her into a vampire before I ever got the chance to have my ritual. After falling for the doppelgänger." Klaus rolled his eyes at the thought before he continued his rant. "But now that I have succeeded, there is no use for the coffin or the dagger anymore which is why I have burned them." 

Lorena's mouth was left agape at his confession. "I'm not finished my love. I promise you that it was my last resort, the only resort. You must know and understand that I love you so much and that I promise you it was the only option."

Lorena didn't know what to say so that is what she said. "I'm not sure what to say Niklaus."

"I don't care how long it takes for you to forgive me, after all my love we have eternity."

Lorena didn't need to hear anymore as she pulled him in for a kiss, Klaus giving it right back to her. 

The two continued to kiss until Lorena pulled away slightly. "I don't quite forgive you Niklaus. But if it happens again which it won't because you won't get the chance as i would have daggered you myself by then. Consider yourself lucky, but you have to earn my complete forgiveness, don't screw this up again after all this is our marriage."

"It won't happen again my love, I can promise you that, and I won't screw this up not when I already have."

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