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"He who obeys God needs no other authority."-Petr Chelčický

A true anarchist is, in truth, fiercely righteous. Further, true anarchy seeks not freedom from ALL moralistic governance, rather freedom from the unjust oppression and afflictions of petty tyranny and a false and subverted moralism, either from within or without. And, contrary to common understanding, the orthopraxis of anarchy seeks to place full accountability upon the shoulders of the individual, rather than the State or any other external agency.

Anarchy in its purest form applies the sound wisdom of self-governance tempered with and guided by the individual's keenest conscience concerning Good & Evil, and help vs. harm. A true anarchist practices not lawlessness, but rigorous moral and intellectual discipline . A true anarchist seeks to be the author not of chaos and confusion, but of symmetry and synthesis. For the purpose of endowing man with a radicalized freedom is not to empower his lowest and basest impulses, rather, to free him FROM such shackles so that he may more authentically develop his higher self and aspirations.

Moreover, a true anarchist also knows that he cannot achieve a lasting bond between his primeval self and his spiritual self without a full prostration before the ministrations and daily instructions of His Creator God. For His God is a God of perfect and ultimate Law & Order. And insofar as he leans upon the sovereign authority of the Almighty God and the Holy Spirit, is he freed from the unholy contracts of a 'freedom', both facile and ultimately, eternally and insufferably binding. For where the Spirit of the Lord is, there, there! my good anarchist, awaits your true FREEDOM! 

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