Chapter 1

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Kassie sighed and threw herself on her bed. She ached, her feet were pounding and she smelled like pie. She could not keep this up. She and her best friend Mel, with the help of her brother, opened up a bakery and bookstore about six months ago. Then it seemed like a good idea. She heavily regrets the decision now.

She felt the bed dip and a hand pat her calf.

"Hey, there stranger!" her brother said in his stupid cheerful voice.

She wanted to kill him.

"Did you know you smell like pie?"

Yup, definitely wanted to murder him. She groaned as she felt the bed move as Clarke laid down beside her. She sluggishly rolled her head to face him. His hazel eyes were filled with their usual mirth, but his face was tight.

"You can't keep working like this. You need to hire more people."

She hated it, but he was right. Right now Buzzy Bee Books and Bakery only had three employees. Her co-owner and best friend Melody, who did the majority of the baking, Abraham stoically working at the bookend and herself, running around and handling everything else.

When they opened B's six months ago they severely underestimated the energy it took to keep both stores opened. The first month, Mel and Kassie worked nonstop. They went in at 4 to start baking, opened at 8 and closed at 5. It was obvious after the first day that they could not hold down the fort with only two people. The store was close to the college, the rent was expensive but they quickly became popular. Kassie had the great idea to order textbooks for cheap online and sell them at lower prices than the campus store. They had Wi-Fi, comfortable couches and plenty of places to do homework. It was a blessing and curse to be popular. Kassie ran the bookend while Mel almost killed herself working the bakery. At the end of the month they were tired and had a huge stack of resumes from students who wanted the conveniences of working by the campus.

Neither of them had hired anyone before. So, they did what any sleep deprived, overworked girl would do. Picked one at random. Horrible decision making process but it turned out to be a wonderful decision. The next morning they called in Abraham. He was a tall, quiet, dark haired, dark skinned doctoral student. He gratefully worked full or half days around his classes schedule and Kassie and Mel got a little reprieve from the workload. Three workers was still not enough, but B's was their life. Abraham was quickly adopted into the little family and the three were reluctant to bring in any strangers.

She gave her brother a pitiful look. "I know, but I don't want someone who ends up burning the place down or something."

"Then hire someone you know. Between the three of you I'm sure you can find a few people who need work. "

"That's actually a good idea". Maybe she won't kill him.

"Of course it is, lil' sis. All my ideas are gold" he said as he jumped off the bed. "It's your turn to cook dinner. Wash the smell of pie and depression off and cook me some food". With that said, he mused up her hair and left the room.

Eh, maybe not.

After showering and cooking a fast dinner of pasta, Kassie propped herself up on her bed with her laptop. She signed into Facebook to snoop around on the off chance that one of her friends posted that they needed work.

She messed around for an hour, writing to some old high school and college friends to see if any of them were unemployed. She quickly became distracted by a profile in the "People You May Know" section. Aaron Adams. His profile picture was of a man, looking away from the camera, with black messy hair and noticeable bone structure. He was very cute.

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