Chapter 3

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The next morning all the employees of Buzzy Bee Books and Bakery showed up. Meg was in charge of getting all the food cooked and put out, which was making Mel extremely nervous. Mel, Abraham and Kassie sat on the couch with a laptop and some paper.

"So, where do we begin?" Kassie said, looking at them both. "How do we interview people?"

"Well, shouldn't we look at their experiences? They should know—"

Kassie tuned Mel out and pulled out her phone.

Kassie Harris: Gonna start interviewing people today. Ahhhh, help!

She looked up and nodded a few times while Mel and Abraham talked.

Aaron Adams: I've never had to hire anyone before, but I have been in charge of many people. I'd say experience would be important, but not the most important. People can learn new things. Work ethic and attitude would be what I would look at. If they are lazy or cause strife between workers, it will cause you more issues than solving them.

Kassie Harris: Thanks ☺ You sure I can't just hire you?

Aaron Adams: Alas, your beauty would prevent me from actual work.

She gave a happy sigh. What a dork. She started her reply before an obvious throat clearing had her looking up.

Mel looked frustrated, Abraham looked amused. She thought. Maybe. It was really hard to tell with him.

"Can you focus please? We have people coming in today and no idea what we're doing!"

"Calm down, geez. Let me reply and we'll work it out."

Kassie Harris: G2G Mel's head is about to explode. Thank you for your sweetness. Message you when I get the chance.

"Okay, so experience is important but so is work ethic and personality. We don't want to hire someone who pisses us off, right?"

Kassie and Mel decided that the bookstore would be the best place to have the interviews. They pulled a chair over to sit in front of one of the couches. They had three people coming in today for interviews and Mel and Kassie were twitchy with nervousness. Abraham was a calm, reassuring presence.

"We need to make sure we're on the same page, you know? I don't want to give good marks to someone you hate." Mel said and she tugged on her shirt. She was usually dressed down while working. Baggy shirts over shorts, tank or cropped tops all dusted in flour or sugar by the end of the day. Today she looked respectable. Her long, blond hair was out of its usual braid and fell in loose curls. Purple streaks peaking through. She was wearing a nice button up and was constantly tugging at it uncomfortably.

Kassie slapped her hands away from her clothes. "It will be fine. Follow the questions, be professional and we can talk about them when they leave. They aren't strangers. They're people one of us knows."

The bell above the store rang and both girls shot up. A handsome, dark skinned man walked towards them.

Mel stepped forward. "Hello, you must be Drew! I'm Melody" she shook his hand with a smile before gesturing back at Kassie. " This is Kassie and Abraham. Please have a seat".

They sat down in front of Drew. There was a few seconds of silence before he nervously cleared his throat and handed them a paper. "This is my resume, uh, there's only one. "

Kassie took it. "That's fine, we can share." She sat in the middle of the three and held it up and gave it a quick glance. He had no work experience and one of his references was listed as "father". She met Mel's gaze and gave her a nod.

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