Chapter 2

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 Between Mel, Abraham, Kassie and now Meg, they had a handful of people coming in and interviewing for jobs. Mel and Kassie sat down with Clarke to look over the books for the store. He said they were doing well. They had the loan from the bank that they used to buy a lot of the equipment and furniture needed for the bakery and the bookshop, along with the rent, utilities, supplies and stock, not to mention the loan they got from Clarke, to pay monthly on. They added Meg's salary to the budget, and under Clarke's advisement, agreed it best to hire three more people. With more people working, they could take the risk of advertising more or extending their hours.

Mel argued for another baker. They did all the baking in the morning and usually started running out of stock mid-day. If they had another baker, they could keep someone cooking while someone else did the cleaning and worked the register. Another baker also opened the possibilities of taking commissions on cakes or even catering. Abraham quietly asked for another book store worker. The book store was run almost completely by Abraham and Kassie. When they opened, she didn't think that the bookstore would do so well, but with the campus so close and them carrying a lot of the required reading, they ended up being sorely understaffed.

They agreed to hire another baker, someone to train for the bookstore and another to rotate between the two, stock and clean. The rest of the week had several interviews scheduled.

Around ten-thirty the rush died down and the store was empty, besides the three of them.

They sat on one of the floral couches in the bakery that had a good view of the bookend. Kassie took out her phone and smiled when she saw several messages waiting for her.

Aaron Adams: I hope you have a pleasant day.

The message was sent right after she got to work. There was another time stamped a while later.

Aaron Adams: I hope you don't mind me saying, but I very much enjoyed our talk last night. I would like to continue with our communication, if that is something you're interested in. You are very easy to talk to.

Another message sent about thirty minutes ago:

Aaron Adams: I hope you're not working too hard. It may have come to my attention that my messages are a little extensive. I have been told by my sister that I come on a little too strong. I apologize.


She looked up from her phone, startled. "What?" she asked Mel.

Mel grinned. "You're practically glowing. Love notes? You wanna share with the class?"

She rolled her eyes, grabbed her tea and leaned on Mel and gave her the phone. "There not love notes. They're just incredibly sweet messages."

On her other side, Abraham snorted into his coffee.

She poked him with her foot before putting both her feet in his lap, laying propped up against Mel. "Got something to say?"

He gave her a soft smile before putting his coffee on the end table. He slipped one of her flats off before firmly rubbing her foot. "It's just nice to see you so happy".

Kassie felt warm inside. Abraham was amazing. Not just because he rubbed her feet, but because he brought her tea, but because he quickly caught on to her need for affection. She was very close to Clarke and Mel. Very touchy, almost clingy. She knew it was slightly unhealthy but she got that way when she got close to someone. She didn't need a therapist to tell her why. She knew it was from the lack of affection she had as a child. She couldn't remember the last time anyone in her family, besides Clarke hugged her. Touching Mel or Clarke, and now Abraham was a way to tell them they were important to her and the touch she got in return was treasured. She was almost always touching Mel in some way. She caught on fast. Always holding her hand or leaning up against her. It drove Kassie's mom crazy, still drives her mom crazy. She was worried someone might think they were lesbians. Abraham caught on fast too.

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