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The sleepy kingdom is a well known kingdom. It has a good army and is pretty big. The king is a kind ruler and his sons are all very sweet. All of the people of the kingdom especially love the youngest. The youngest, named Tommy, often helps out around the kingdom or plays with kids that were much poorer than him. He also gives money whenever he can. He's noticed how his family watches him but he was used to it. He knew his brothers spied on him while out and about in the town. He also had never really had much contact with his father until recently. All of the sudden his family is spending time with him after ignoring him for years. He also has met several Princes who all seem very sweet. Tommy has noticed the gradual disappearance of people he cared about but he didn't think anything of it. Unfortunately Tommy might not realize until it's to late.

Tommy was ignored a lot because his dad was to busy running the kingdom and his brothers would help him. However Wilbur runs into Tommy one day in the town and notices things he never noticed before. The observation will set the course for all future relationships Tommy has with his family and with friends, acquaintances, and lovers.

Hello humans! I'm so sorry for not posting but we just started high school. Please forgive me and I will get right back to posting. Remember you are loved, you matter, eat food, and drink water. I love you all <3

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