Chapter 3

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Tw:referenced neglect, swearing

Third person pov

Tommy wandered back towards the palace, grin plastered on his face. After he had played with the children until they had to go home, he helped the shops lining the streets with chores. He helped the baker bring in more supplies, helped the local forge with supplies, and helping out the poor population of the town. He felt satisfied with his day that day. He walked through the gates only to see his two best friends guarding the gates. Tubbo and Ranboo both stood on either side of the gate. Tommy's smile grew wider as he ran towards them. Ranboo was the first to notice the prince barreling towards them. Ranboo shrieked as Tommy ran into him, tackling him into a hug. Tubbo laughed at his platonic husband's suffering as Ranboo and Tommy hit the ground. Ranboo groaned as Tommy stood and hugged Tubbo.

"Tubbo, Ranboob! What's up?" Tommy yelled as Ranboo stood up.

"I'm doing fine boss man! How about you?" Tubbo answered as Ranboo stood up behind them.

"I'm doing good big man. Ranboob how about you?" Tommy asks turning towards the tall being.

"I'm doing fine Tommy. Do you have to crash into me every time you see me?" Ranboo asks.

"Of course not Boob boy! Why are you guys out here? I thought you two were banned from patrolling outside because of last time." Tommy says, slightly laughing at the reminder of last time.

The last time Tubbo had been outside he had set the gardens on fire. Ranboo was there too so they both got banned but they met Tommy, who had been outside in the gardens. Both Tubbo and Ranboo were new to guard duty back then. It had been a few months since then but the ban hadn't been lifted. At least Tommy didn't remember the ban being lifted but he could be wrong.

"Yeah we weren't supposed to be out here but apparently the royal family has requested all guards to be outside of their rooms and outside the castle. We don't know why." Ranboo says. Tommy stares at them before sighing.

"Well I should get inside then. I don't want to be lectured by my 'family' for being late." Tommy says, tone dripping with annoyance. The two hybrids looked at him sympathetically before shooing him away. Tommy hugged them both once more before walking back towards the palace.

The moment Tommy closed the palace doors he heard footsteps coming towards him. He turned around, fully expecting it to be once of the maids or even that counsel member, Niki he thinks her name was, that likes to berate him for everything. Instead he saw his 'brother' Wilbur walking towards him with a creepy ass smile on his face. Tommy stared at the man walking towards him with fear. He frantically looked around, trying to see if there were any escapes, but he was unable to find any way away from Wilbur. He backed up a little but didn't run outside since all of the guards wouldn't be much help. Wilbur was getting closer by the moment and Tommy had nowhere left to go. He shrank back as much as he could but Wilbur didn't stop. He reached Tommy, grin still plastered on his stupid fucking face. Tommy has no idea why Wilbur was smiling at him since his brother never really acknowledged him unless someone was visiting. Tommy hasn't heard of anyone visiting but maybe he missed something when out at the town.

At this point Wilbur had reached Tommy, lifting his arms and pulling the boy into a hug. Tommy flinched at the movement of Wilbur's arms. He felt Wilbur frown into his hair as he held Tommy tighter. Tommy did not relax into Wilbur's hold. He instead opted to remain tense and very confused. Tommy's mind caught up to what was happening and he immediately pulled away. Wilbur's frown deepened but he didn't chase Tommy.

"What do you need prince Wilbur?" Tommy asks. His family had lost the privilege of being called brother of dad long ago. It never seemed to affect them until now where Wilbur looked at Tommy with hurt.

"Nothing much Tom's! We just wanted you to join us for dinner. We realized we haven't been treating you fairly all these years." Wilbur says as he wraps an arm around Tommy and guides him towards the dining room. Tommy felt Wilbur's nails dig into his arm as he was dragged towards the dinning room. He could feel anxiety bubbling in his chest as he was pulled. His 'family' never really cared before so this was new. His mind was filled with thoughts like what if they're mad? What if they're gonna get rid of me? What if they execute me? Tommy shivered at that last thought. Wilbur didn't seem to notice Tommy's fear as he kept walking. Tommy could hear Wilbur rambling about something that he didn't particularly care about. Tears were forming in Tommy's eyes as he was dragged. Suddenly Tommy startled when Wilbur pushed some fabric into his arms.

"Before dinner you need to get out of those stupid peasant clothes." Wilbur said, looking at the clothes Tommy was wearing with disgust. Tommy rolled his eyes at his brothers comment.

Tommy mumbled "whatever Wilbur. These clothes are more comfortable and you can't fucking take them away from me." Wilbur, clearly having heard him smiled.

"Would you mind repeating that sunshine?" Wilbur asked. Tommy froze when Wilbur used the nickname. He only used it when he was mad about something Tommy had done. He used it when he was younger to try and coax the boy into trusting him. Tommy had learned long ago not to trust it. Quickly shaking his head, Tommy rushed into the bathroom to change. He didn't notice the cruel smile on Wilbur's face when he shook his head.

Tommy stepped out of the bathroom tentatively. He was fully aware that the clothes were softer and more comfortable than normal. He looked around but didn't see Wilbur. He let out a breath of relief, assuming Wilbur had just left him. He started walking towards his room when a hand landed on his shoulder.

"Where are you going Tommy? You have to have dinner with us." Someone said.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11 ⏰

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