"Who am i?"

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I was watching something. Something really weird happened: there were two monsters fighting in this white void, and as they fought, the world would shake. It felt as if all of existence was falling apart. I was confused about what I was looking at, but as I started to force myself, I saw a figure that had a massive wing like a butterfly but was red, and another that had a creepy smile on his face while he fought the butterfly. At first, I couldn't see their movement, but after a while, they became slow, or maybe I just got used to their speed.

"Hey, who are you?" A figure with three eyes asked me, which made me jump as I was scared. As I didn't feel his presence, the other two fought, and I could feel their power, but from this guy, there was nothing; I couldn't feel anything. "I don't have a name," I said as the guy with three eyes watched. "Mind if I ask who you are instead?" He looked at me for a bit, then replied, "My name is Omni. I'm a sans that likes to watch and protect the multiverse we're in, and the fact that you showed up caused a shift in the world. I can't let you go; you might be a danger to this world, and I can't risk that." He said As his eye started to glow, I was scared, but I kept myself together. "Omni, huh, that's a nice name. Wait, you just gave me an idea of what to call myself. How about I go with Omni404?" Sounds cool, right?" I said, still on guard, to the one who called himself Omni as he looked at me and then at the battle that was happening behind me. He seemed annoyed as he said, "If that name works for you, then sure, I hate those two who are causing this world to end, and I might have to use Omnithrons at 100% to stop them. At this rate, they will destroy all of creation, and that won't be good at all for us, so I'm going to ask you to help me form the look of it. You don't know how to fight, but it seems you can hold your own for a bit. I want you to hold the one with that smile on his face, though I doubt you can, but hold him off for as long as possible as I will take care of error 404, alright?" I wanted to ask why he had faith that I would help, but before I could, he flew at the one he called error 404. I decided to go with his plan.

I didn't think I would catch up to them, nor did I think I could fly, but I was aiming myself to hit the one I was told to. And within a nanosecond, I was in the target's face. I was surprised that I got there so fast, but before anything could happen, the weird skeleton asked me something. "Who are you?" He asked as that made me bit nervous as he gave off a chilling smile along with it. "I am Omni404; that's my name. Before we fight, I would like to know yours." I said it as a lie, as I was just buying time for that Omni dude to finish off Error404 so that I didn't have to fight. The thing didn't say anything at first; it just stared into my eye and gave me the creeps. Then it said, "My name is O.V.E.R.K.I.L.L. Now you better move; I don't have time to waste on you." As he said that, I thought to myself what a weird name he has: "I'm sorry, but you will have to kill me to get to that other dude." The dude looked annoyed but was ready to attack. He used a weird string, trying to capture me. i dodged it but it seemed like i was cought in his trap as the strings turned and aimed towards me and he also flew at me with insane speed much faster then that of light i dont know how but a strange barrier covered me and when the strings and that dudes axe hit it. It caused him to be send far away i didnt know how the barrier was made but it was strong as it slowly disappeared again i decided to go after him and within nanosecond befor he even landed i already cought up to him even tho he was going so fast i still caught up befor he hit the ground i tryed to throw a punch but i missed him as he teleported behide me but it was like he was moving in slow motion i wanted his string attack it looked cool and i thought it would be nice to have as that thought came into my head that dude looked angry as he said "JUST STAND STILL YOU LITTLE BITCH I WILL MAKE SURE TO GIVE YOU HELL I DONT KNOW WHAT YOU DID BACK THERE, BUT NOW I'M GOING TO TAKE YOUR FUCKING HEAD OFF HHAHAHA." He was laughing like a manic, though I was scared of his power, as it seemed like he wasn't going to hold back anymore, but then suddenly a huge blast sound came from where Omni and Error404 were, as the one called Error404 was falling down and fainting from the blast.

           With omni and error404
"Look, William, we don't have to do this. Just stop this. I will take care of Infected and virus 404 Fusion because you and he are destroying the whole universe, not just this one, but all of creation itself is being ripped apart, so just stop."
"No, I dont want to. I want to kill him. This will not do omni, and don't call me William; I gave up that name a long time ago. I'm now error 404, not the old weak William who couldn't even save Alphatale. Now move it to Omni, or else I will make you move." Omni looking more annoyed said you asked for this as omni thought to himself since it's just him i should be able to beat him without Omnithrons 100% thanks to that Omni404 this might be fast as omni then used Omnithrons 70% and they fought as error404 shot his blaster the dark blaster omni dodged as it hit a hyperverus causing it to be destroyed completely omni summoned his blaster with homing blast and shot it at error404 with the biggest sounding exposin error404 started to fall unconscious but before he did he saw omni had let down his gard and with that he used God Ray 2nd form and omni didn't expect it and was also knocked out slowly falling.

I saw the one called Error404 falling down, and I was excited because I didn't have to fight O.V.E.R.K.I.L.L., but then Omni was also falling down. At that point, I was scared as the dude started to smile and say, "Looks like your backup won't come for you." I was terrified he was right i couldnt beat this dude atlest thats what i thought but then weird strings started to pop out form my eye flowing down and a blaster was also next to me i wanted that power omni had i wanted that blaster omni used i wanted but i wanted it stronger i also wanted that dudes strings i wanted to be stronger then his was i wanted to overpower him I wanted to take all his power i wanted to absorb him i wanted his power i couldnt hold myself back as i want straight at him catching his hands and body with my strings and then useing the blaster point blank he was confused he started to bleed as he screamed " YOU DARE HURT ME YOU TOOK MY STRINGS AND MADE THEM 10X NO 20X STRONGER THAN MINE AND THAT BLASTER ITS ERROR404 BUT 20X MORE POWERFUL I GUSSE I CANT KILL YOU EASILY-." But before he could say another word, I trapped his body and said, "You talk too much now; then I will take your power and make it my own." As a smile came to me, I shot him with a blaster to knock him out, and then my hands started to run with blue liquid as it slowly wanted to go around him, absorbing him, and then the blue liquid came back to me inside of me, and I passed out from it all.

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