0:1 [Why is HE here?!]

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[Smoking and drinking]

[Chuuya's POV]
I was walking along the halls of the port Mafia, Mori had called me to his office for...whatever reason

I walked in to see Elise drawing on the floor and Mori sitting at his desk with that stupid smirk on his face, his chin resting on his hands, and his eyes closed, I bowed down to show my respects as always.

"Chuuya" he spoke
"Yes boss?"
"How are you today?"
What? Why's he asking me that? I thought "why do you ask?", "just curious" "alright well I'm fine" I lied I hadn't slept in days, whenever I did I only slept about 3 hours
"What about eating huh?
"Good I guess" I lied again I barely eat
"Alright you may go" and with that I left and headed to my apartment since I had already finished all the paperwork I had to do and that's when I saw the bastard with his arms covered in bandages, that stupid smirk in his face....God I missed him. "Why hello there partner~" "why are you here you fuckface? You left me for 4 years!" "I know and I'm sorry but we're needed on a mission sooo" "why me? Why not the ware-tiger or the smart guy who can't use a train or that guy with the glasses and notebook, why not them?"

"I dunno but Mori and Fukuzawa are sending us on this mission whether we like it or not" "whatever...well what kind of mission is it?" "We're going undercover to a party as a couple, so you'll need to dress as a women and we need to act like a couple" "WHAT?" "Someone's mad~" "Oh shut it you waste of bandages..." "anyway how's it holding up with being away from your partner?~" "fine.." it was obvious I was lying and he read me like a book "why're you lying?~" "shut up and I'm not" "whatever- anyway aside from the mission the agency and pm and having a meeting about the ability users that are in town since they've been doing this for 3 months and the police can't get them and a few lives have been taken" "alright where are we having it?" "At the agency" "so Mori will be there, right?" "Yea that bastard will" "..okay" I walked over to my kitchen and got one of my wine bottles out of the cupboard, poured a glass, drank it while ignoring the idiot behind me and I took one of my cigarettes out my pocket and lit it

"Chibiiii~ you know that can hurt you lungs right?~" "that's kinda the point asshole..." I mumbled "what do you mean?" "Forget it" "I won't" "tch...whatever just leave asshole!" "No thx" "what do you mean?!" "I didn't just come here for the mission" "then why are you here?" "I need a little help with this" He said and pointed to the bulge in his trousers "what the fuck!? Can't you just do it yourself?" "I can but chu-chu just does it so well~" "no" "I'll tell the whole Mafia about how sensitive you are in bed and sent the video to Mori, Kouyou, Tachihara, Gin, Akutagawa, Higuchi, Hirotsu, and everyone else if you don't help me whenever I need it~" "shit...fine"I say going closer he then sat on the couch in the living room and patted in-between his legs. I moved forward and sat on my knees in front of him and unzipped his trousers and discarded his bowers to his ankle, his member as hard as a rock. I started slowly stroking it and giving kitten licks before taking him full him my mouth to which he whined after a few minutes I could see his twitching dick and knew he was close "Chu-...Chuuya I'm...close" he said and after a few more minutes he came all in my mouth to which I swallowed it up he then pulled me into a passionate kiss and started walking to the bedroom to which I followed and he pushed me on the bed, locked the door, went over to the night stand and got a dildo, rope, blindfold, and lube. He walked over to me and started kissing me and taking my shirt off. Once he took it off he started leaving hicky marks all across my skin until he reached my nipple to which he pinched the left one and sucked on the right, Ioaned and whined at the sensation and his stupid smirk grew even bigger "God you look beautiful and we haven't even got to the fun bit~" "Ah~" I moan as he palms me through my trousers, still touching and sucking my nipples. He then started taking off my trousers then my boxers leaving my member to fall out he then took hold of it and pumped it slowly "please- please go faster..." I whined, all my dignity had already gone, he then pumped faster making me a mess. After a few minutes I could feel a knot in my stomach "I..I'm clo-close..." I moaned out and after a few more pumps I came in his hand. I was breathing heavily, my body shaking and tears in my eyes I then gasped "agh-! What....agh~" he put the blindfold on and had already puy lube on the dildo and started entering it inside me but when I tried to stop him he tied me up with the rope and continued to push the dildo in until it was all the way in, he then turned it on and the vibrations caused me to scream and moan felling restricted from the rope but enjoying the pleasure "ngh~ aghh!~" "Someone's enjoying themselves ehh?~" he said while smirking and turned the dildo to 10 which caused me to shake, scream and moan louder while tears formed in my eyes after a few minutes I reached my climax and came all over the bed sheets and was panting loudly until he pulled the dildo out and replaced it with his own member "God you look beautiful~" he said as he thrusted hardly into me and after a few mote rounds I passed out and woke up to dazai sitting beside me reading a book, I looked down and saw I was in a black shirt of his and boxers, the bed sheet clean but my ass, back and legs hurt like hell. I was too tired to even talk and my throat hurt from yelling so much so I just snuggled up with him so he layed me on his chest and gave me soft kisses until I fell asleep.


1129 words

I'm board as hell and have school in the morning sooooo yea anyway bye bye.

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