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《Dazai POV》

I woke up to Chuuya clinging to me, god he looked so cute. I got up, changed and layed back down with him a slowly woke him up "baby~ c'mon you've had a big lay in it's already 1pm~" he started to stir awake "hm? Dazai?" He said in a tired tone. "Well hello Chibi~"
"Piss off..." "rude~" he then got up but nearly fell since his back and legs hurt "opsies sorry~" "ugh! You bastard,!" I helped him up but he was really light and not using his ability or anything "Chibi's so light~" I placed him on the bed and tackled him in kisses "hey! St-stop..." he said while laughing god he looked gorgeous...

[Chuuya's POV]

I was panting and out of breath from laughing so hard and so much. I just went under the covers and basically cradled myself in a ball, which Dazai then started spooning me not that I minded but it was Dazai..I mean he left me, blew up my car, forced me to join the Mafia for my friends to stay alive then left...and now we do 'it' some nights and...cuddle, talk, drink together,...it doesn't feel right but he just knows how to treat me...so I don't complain.

[At night]

I woke up to see no-one beside me as usual but this time I heard humming and smelled food so I got up and walked towards the humming to see Dazai making dinner. 'What the fuck' I thought.

"Dazai what are you doing?" He turned to me "why I'm making dinner silly!~" "why?" "Why not" I was about to respond but I didn't know how to "fair point" I sat down on a chair at the counter in the kitchen.

After he finished making the food I was actually surprised he didn't burn the house down. He sat next to me and passed me the plate of eggs, bacon and 2 sausages and he got his plate as well. I wasn't really eating anything until Dazai spoke up "why aren't you eating anything? is it bad?" "no...just not hungry.." "but chuu...you haven't eaten at all today" "so?" "so you need energy" "it's my day off today, I don't need energy" he then pulled me into his lap

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