Authors note and chapter 27

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Author note: hey guys I hope you enjoy this chapter but I have a feeling by the end of the chapter you're going to hate me but you're going to like the next one love you guys.

Liz pov

So I'm about to tell the boys about Emma and me going back home to look after her... I just can't imagine what Luke's reaction will be.

* sighs**walks in room*
Liz: hey guys
Luke: babe, who was on the phone
Calum: oh my god are you okay? You look so good
Michael: what happened?
Ashton: you OK
Liz: that was clear waters hospital...
Calum: oh my god!!! Who is in the hospital... Are they ok... Are they dead?
Luke: dude calm down whoever it is, and whatever happened you're not making it any easier
Liz: about that *sighs* it's about Emma. She's been in a car accident. A really bad one actually
Calum: is she missing any limbs?
Luke: guys!! Shut up, and let her talk!! * couse throat*
Liz: yeah she's ok the doctor said she only has a few broken bones and a fractured ribs and that I need to go home and help her for three and a half months until she has fully recovered.
Luke: *grones* what does that mean for us?
Liz: can we discuss this in private?
Luke: sure
* exits room*
Luke: so repeating my question what exactly does this mean for us?
Liz: Luke she needs me
Luke: No !I need you, I love you
Liz: you making it hard for me to let you go
Liz: I already told to doctor I would take the next flight out to head home
Luke: so what now?
Liz: I don't know but its like 3 months of babysitting Emma
Luke: so maybe just maybe you could come finish the tour with us when you're done?
Liz: yeah maybe... But think about it Luke three months, that's a lot of time to fall for another person, and that goes for the both of us, not just me, not just you!
Luke: what are you saying?
Liz: I'm saying---...

To be continued.......

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