Where's my Liam Nelson?

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Chapter 3

Alessandra's p.o.v

All I could think about was Sam. I've only seen Sam with a purple light emitting off of him. Sam was special. Not like me. My own parents can't even look me in the eye.

More men charged in the bathroom and the guy in the S.W.A.T team get up finally took his gun off my head. I immediately fell to my knees and all I could feel was fear. I brought my hands to my face, the purple light was gone. A man came up to me. He wore a white lab coat, he was caucasian, bald, and he had glasses but he didn't feel human. Almost as if I could see he had no soul. I heard a man come up from behind me an he stabbed a needle into my neck. I was slowly dozing off and I all saw was that old man.

"Oh we are going to have so much fun" he bent down towards me talking to me like I was some pet.

"Aren't we Ms. Duval?" he smirked.

And that was the last thing I remember.



I feel cold.

Not the cold you feel in the winter the cold you feel when you feel absolutely hallow inside. The floor was metal. The walls were metal. How... did I get here? Where is here? I heard the same combat boots pass by. Then a bang on my door. It swung open impacting the side of the wall.

"Time for tests newbie" it was a man like the ones who stormed into the bathroom. Only he didn't have a gun, he had a electrified whip.

It crackled and looked like something that came out of a movie. Similar to lighting except it was unlikely that I would get hit by lighting and it was very likely I would hit by this. I couldn't move and the thought of getting hit with it terrified me. I still don't even know where the hell I am.

"I said time for tests newbie!" His voiced boomed and he whipped me with the whip. It felt like a pain that couldn't even be expressed in words and I gave a hellish scream.

I shot straight up afraid of to get whipped again. I kept my head down, I was trembling to the core. This seems like something taken out of that movie where Liam Nelson's daughter gets kidnapped. Where's my Liam Nelson?

The guard kept pushing me, we walked by door after door until finally he open one, and shoved me in. I landed on my knees. Lights flickered on and you could hear the hum of the LEDs.

"Welcome to Wonderland."

I slowly turned my head around to see the same man I saw in the school bathroom. He was up in a observation type thing.

"It seems to be a perfect fit."

"Ales is it? Or that's what Sam called you."

"Shut up!" I put my hands over my head.

'How the hell does he know about Sam?' I kept thinking over and over.

"Tsk tsk tsk little Ales."

I saw him turn to one of the guards.

"Hit her again."

"No. Please. I'm begging you"

The guard was getting closer and closer.  Cracking the whip as he drew near. I wanted to run. I wanted to run but I couldn't. I just stayed there on the floor hoping he'd let me go

"Plea-" he hit me again. I was begging even screaming for him not to. But he did and it
fucking hurt.

I screamed again, but this time was louder.

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