Chapter 1: The Begining

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Aoi Asahina:

I could barely even sleep last night. I kept on thinking, what could happen? Hopes peak is such a famous school in Japan, my family moved here a few years back and even before we moved everyone I knew had heard about Hopes peak. I still can't get used to the school year starting during April.

 I finally rise out of bed to see my cat, bagel with his head resting on my left ankle. His  cute, little, beige head tucked into my duvet. "I'm so sorry Mr bagel, but I have to get ready school starts in.. 20 minuets!" I spring out of bed realising I am 20 minuets away from being expelled on my first day! Actually I just need to calm down, they shouldn't mind.. right?

I quickly throw on some clothes and my lucky red jacket, of course. I whore this jacket when i won my first ever gold medal. I had to wear it today. I laid out my cats food for the day, grabbed a granola bar and snatched my letter which will let me enter the building which will start a bright future for me.

As a make my way to school i see my brother waiting as his bus stop from across the street. He is wearing this very formal uniform with blue checkered jumper which has somehow already gotten a cereal splash on the left side of his jumper. I wave over at him and he spots me and just as he is about to wave back his bus appears in front of him, I hope he has a good day. There is also this boy in front of me in a black blazer with a green hoodie hood over the back of it. He is trying to run while simultaneously trying to tie his bright red shoes. Its weird to think everyone in the world has their own hopes, own dreams, own goals. 

The clock strikes eight am, meaning I have fifteen minuets to walk a five minuet walk. Or i can use fifteen minuets to stop and get a donut and walk. Lets say the latter happened. Inside the coffee shop it smelt like my own personal dream land.  The woman who stood behind the counter was a young girl maybe a year above or below me. She had the most beautiful pink shoulder-length hair she somehow  seamed, familiar. 

"Is there anything I can get you today?" A sweet smile grew on her porcelain face.

"Just a sugar donut please." I reply.

She turns around to the bakery section behind her, she has a cute green backpack on top of her uniform, i don't get a full view of it because she turned around so quickly. "Here you are that will be 300 yen." I begin to hand over the cash when she says. "Hey are you one of those new hopes peak students on the blog? ai asa..something or other?"

"Yeah, I'm Aoi Asahina but you can just call me Hina if you want."

"Your full name is so pretty though,"

"Oh thank you." I reply really confused why she thinks my Japanese name is pretty. I do miss my native name.

"Also one short thing." The nice girl pauses for a second "At hopes peak it may start to seem really stressful comparing yourself to everyone, and no matter what happens remember this. A shinning future will always be waiting for you."

These words send some sort of drip down my spine. I don't know if it was good or bad but her kind words will definitely stick to me. "Thank you! Have a great day." I walk out of the store to remember i have 5 minuets to start my first day. 

As i reach the schools gates a flood of joy washes over my whole body. This is what my hard work has paid of for. All the cramps, naps, training sessions and accidents led up to me achieving something like this. The brown brick building stands out above everything else in this city. I push open a creaky gate and enter the code I was given on my acceptance letter into the key pad on the main door.

As I step inside the building I find it a bit odd that there isn't anyone here yet. I am only one minuet late, roughly. I go down the hall way and turn into this open room on the left. It has one of those stand up banners which says "welcome to hopes peak!" on it with the school in the background. 

As soon as I place one foot inside of the room something is different. The tiles on the floor begin to merge with each other. I start to feal a little light headed. But its nothing...


My vision goes black.

[ 797 words, thank you if you are reading this right now I haven't written in ages and i think its helping me quite a bit to have something to focus on. Check out some of my other works if you think your self as more as a romance person like, love is a gamble and my Danganronpa one shots. I will be most likely be uploading on sundays but just thank you for reading!]

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2023 ⏰

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