How you meet

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You had been invited to one of Tony Stark's many parties. You where sure it had to be a mistake because you had never been invited before. Never the less, you went.
So you where currently walking around when you spotted the bar. You weren't really a drinker but you thought it would calm your nerves a bit so you walked up and ordered.

"Hi. Can I get a raspberry Martini please?" You ask

"Sure thing." The bar tender says as she starts making your drink.

"So what's a cute thing like you doing here?" A guy behind you asks

"I'm not really sure myself." You say as you turn around.

When you do, you notice that Tony Stark is standing behind you. You put on a straight face and act normal. Even though your totally freaking out.

"So, since you don't know what your doing then, could I get you anything?"

You smile shyly and apologetically when the bartender hand you your drink. He smiles and gets close to your ear.

"I'll see you later?"

You smile slightly and nod as he walks off.

You where currently walking home from a long day at work when two guys step in front of you.

"May I help you?" You ask snootily

"Oh. Looks like we got a feisty one here huh?" One of the guys asks.

"It appears so."

"Get away from me!" You yell as they come closer. "I'm warning you! Don't come any closer or I'll-"

"Or you'll what darlin?"

"I'll-AH!" You scream as someone grabs you from behind.

"Not so brave now are you?" He whispers in your ear.

"HELP!" You scream before a hand covers your mouth.

"Shut her up. You don't want-"

"Don't want what? Somebody to hear?" You hear someone say from behind you as he walks into view.
"Now what would you scums want with a beautiful lady like this?" The man said as he came into clear view.

It was Steve Rodgers! Aka Captain America.

"Now I suggest you leave before matters get worse."

All three guys scrambled away leavening you a bit breathless. As you straighten yourself up, Steve walks over to you.

"Are you ok?"

You nod and smile slightly.

"Oh come on!" You say frustrated as you once again, missed the middle of the target. You had missed the past 5 times and it was driving you crazy. Sure you had hit the target. But it wasn't a bullseye.

"Need some help?" A guy asks from beside you as he hits his arrow perfectly in the middle of the target.

You shoot again and when you miss, you look to your left. Clint Barton was standing next to you.

"You think you can get a better hit?" You ask slyly.

Clint chuckles slightly, aims his bow and arrow, and shoots. He looks over at you and nods his head in your direction. "Need any help?"

You smile and step aside.

"Ok what next? What next? Where is it?" You frantically look around your lab area for the chemical NaHCO2. Also known as baking soda. You look around and you can't seem to find it so you decide to head to the next lab over and ask if they had some. As walk over, you realize that you had never been in the other lab before and didn't even know who worked in it. You knock on the door and wait for an answer.

"Come in."

You walk in and almost fall on your face.

"Hi. I was-do you-I can't seem to-" you pause for a second and compose yourself at seeming how silly you must seem to Bruce Banner. Yes. The Bruce Banner. The lab person right next to yours!
"Hi. I'm in the next lab over and I couldn't seem to find any baking soda and I was wondering if you had any I could barrow."

He smiled and nodded, handing me a box of banking soda.

"Thank you." you say as you walk out and notice him staring at you smiling.

You are in the gym working out when s guy comes up in front of you.

"My name is Thor."

"Hi. I'm Y/N." You say, holding out your hand. You can't believe he's talking to you.

"May I join?" Thor asks you.

You shake your head yes and in no time, you two are striking up a conversation.

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