He finds your watching your favorite tv show

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You where watching your favorite tv show, Degrassi, when Tony walks into the room.

"Y/N" Tony says in a sexy voice. "Y/N?" His tone drops slightly.

"Tony. Shh. Not now."

"But Y/N!" Tony whines

"SSSHHHH!" You hold up a finger, not taking your eyes off the screen. "You do not talk during Degrassi."

"But you do. Every time you yell at the screen."

"That's different."

"How so?"

You sigh and pause the show. "Listen Tony. Degrassi is a life style. Not just one of the hookers you bring to your parties. When I'm watching this, you need to give me space and time to scream at the screen and to cry at the endings. Got it?"

"But Y/N" Tony whines again.

"Tony." You warn.


"Good. Now go. Go!"


"Ah. Malcolm in the middle." You sights you sit down on the couch with a bag of chips and popcorn.

"I don't understand why you love this show so much." Your boyfriend, Steve says as he walks past your living room.

"Ok first, Malcolm is bae. You can't argue with it. Second, Malcolm and Reese are adorable. I love them. Third, Malcolm's eyes are amazing. Forth, Reese has a perfect body. And sixth, it's Malcolm in the Middle."

"Am I not your bae?" Steve asked

"Of corse you are." You get up and kiss him. "But so is Malcolm in the middle."

You go sit back down and a few seconds later Steve joins you. You laugh to yourself and start the shoes.

You where watching Robin Hood, the bbc version, when CLINT came through the door.

"What! Your watching Robin Hood without me? Y/N! How could you?"

"Aw I'm sorry baby. You weren't here and I tried calling your name but you didn't answer."

"Uhuh... Well you could have waited.

"I did. I waited for an hour. Before I got bored. I only watched half an episode."

"Still!" Clint says angrily.

"Aw come on Clint." You get up and get close to his ear from behind, wrapping your arms around him. "I'm sorry. Now come watch Robin Hood with me."

He squirms a little before he gives up.

"Is there gummy worms?" Clint asks quietly.

"If course." You hold up two bags and sit down. Switching back on the tv.

"Bruce! You coming?" You call

"Yeah I'll be there in a sec." Bruce calls back to you.

"Well hurry up! Merlin is calling to me!" You and Bruce loving watching the bbc merlin series together. You just loved merlin and Arthur and the whole magic thing and Bruce loved it because he like to try and figure the magic. "Bruce, you coming?"

"Yeah I'm coming."

"Bruce banner hurry up." You call a few minutes later.

"I'm here Y/N."

"Well you took long enough." You say as Bruce sits down next to you.

"I don't understand what this is." Thor says pointing to the tv and the show playing, young and hungry.

"It's just a recording put into the tv Thor. Like I've told you before."

"But how do you get the people so small? And how do you get them in there? And how does that box work?"

"Just watch the show ok sweetie?" You say and pat him on the shoulder.

Hey ya'll. I feel so bad that I haven't updated in so long. My schedule for school is really booked. I have classes until 3:10 then on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday I have color guard practice until 6:30. Then I have homework. In Friday we have are football games. So I'll try and update either once a weekend or every other weekend.

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