The 4th of July

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You and Tony had been getting ready for the Fourth of July all day. And by you and Tony, you meant you. You where walking around Stark Tower setting up red, white, and blue everything. You had cups, streamers, plates, everything. You and Tony decided to invite all the Avengers include Coulson and Fury.

"Tony?" You ask as he looks up from his paper. "You want to help me here?"

"Looks like you got it covered babe."

"Tony!" You protest.

"Y/N it's fine. Everything looks amazing." He comes over and wraps his hand around you from behind.

Just then, you here a knock from the door. "There here!" You jump and rush over to the door.

You open it and see Natasha first. You hug her lightly as she steps in. Steve kisses your cheek along with Clint who you also hug. As Thor walks in, he engulfs you in a bone crushing hug and Bruce hugs you friendly. As Coulson walks in, you shake his hand. Along with Fury.

"Phil, Nick, so nice of you to join us." You say and let them in.

"Phil? Nick?" Tony looks at you. "Their first names are agent.

"Tony, nobody's first name is agent." He rolls his eyes at you and turns around.

"Let's get this party started!" Tony yelled.

"TONY!" You yell, turning around. "No fireworks in the house!"

"Oh come on Steve. Please? It can't do much harm right?" You where trying to plead with Steve to light your own firework.

"I don't know. I mean, it could be dangerous. I don't even know how it works."

"You just light the end and then it burst into the air and explodes into a bunch of different colors."

Steve sighs and then answers. "Fine. Go ahead."

"Yay!" You clap and kiss his cheek.

You place a firework on the ground and begin to light it. As you back up, the firework back fires and explodes on the ground.

"Y/N!" Steve rushes to you and covers you both with his shield.

"You know? you should have worn the whole suit."

"Come on Clint! Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up!" You where dragging Clint behind you run into a clearing in the field.

"Ok ok chill." He laughs and stops, getting out his bow and arrow.

He tied a whole bag of fireworks to the end of the arrow and lit them. Then we shot the arrow in the sky as they exploded one by one, creating a perfect, pretty firework experience.

"They're beautiful." You say as you both lay down in the grass and watch the show.

You and Bruce where working on the lab all day trying to figure out how to make your own fireworks.

"I think I got it!" You say proudly.

"Let's go try it out."

You go out side and set it on the concrete while Bruce lights it. You guys take a step back while the flame sputters and dies.

"Maybe it didn't lite all the way?" You suggest, walking towards it. Just then, it explodes and lights up in the air.

"Y/N!" You hear Bruce shout as you fall on your butt. He runs over to see if your ok and finds you laughing. "Y/N?"

"Y-yeah?" You laugh.


You nod. "It's just....,I don't think that's the one." Bruce looks at you weird before laughing and helping you up."

"Thor, this is absolutely amazing!" You gush.

Thor had taken you to Asguard for the Fourth of July and it was beautiful. You especially enjoyed all the colors that where there. Mainly on the bridge.

"You like it?"

"Yes! It's so beautiful."

He side hugs you and kisses your cheek. "I thought you'd like it."

I got this in at 11:30😂
Technically still the 4th
Happy Fourth Of July Everybody!!!!!😄🇺🇸🌐🎆💟

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