Stocking Anarchy X fem! Reader

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Stocking Anarchy x Fem! Reader

Requested by @MarsOfTheStars3020

- If Stocking took a romantic side liking to you it wouldn't really, include a confession..
- It would be more like I like you, you like me we're together now.
- Don't ask me how she'd know you like her, she just kinda knew it for no reason?


language, and or make some for you by hand.
- Would learn EVERYTHING you liked in food and she would know everything from your allergies
to just food you slightly dislike.

- And she would not care AT ALL how you looked,
when she's in love she's head over heels.
- Would somehow fall EVEN more inlove with
you if YOU were to bake something just for her.
- She would feel like she's already back in
heaven when she eats it.

- She would dress you up in lolita clothing
atleast once.
- Talking about clothing she would 100% either
Braid or accesorize your hair.

- Will talk about you to anyone who'll listen.
- Doesn't care if Panty or Garterbelt talks shit about you or in general don't like you.
- Will slice somebody up if they talk shit about you.
- Turns guys down with a "ew I have a girlfriend" if they dare to try to shoot their shot.

- Dates will consist of picnics, going out on walks, going to coffee shops, going to the movies, reading magazines together, self-care days and junking out on hand baked sweets.

- Doesn't ever wanna think of having to leave you when she has to go back to heaven.
- But if that moment comes she makes sure to cherish every moment with you.

- Makes SURE Panty stays far far faarr away from you.
- It can be hard at times but she makes the effort.

- If you're watching her fight a ghost or in general fight against anyone she's making sure she shows off and that you'll be impressed.
- She 100% turns into that anime artstyle when she's trying to impress you lol.

                                   Break- up

- Probably one of her first and only fears.
- It's pretty clear theres no way of you two going different ways than her having to go back to heaven, and or you dying of course..
- Can Stocking die? I don't know !


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