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Hange woke up to the worried look on her mother's face. She groaned slightly still having the headache. Then immediately reached for her phone, revisiting the same post.

"Hange put it away", her mother told her but she refused, turning away and frantically scrolling. She managed to realise only then that the part of the conversation where her father or Kaito's was mentioned had been removed. She groaned for the nth time.

Again whoever did this clearly had the intention of humiliating her. Hange quickly got out of bed and got dressed, ready to leave the house. She checked her phone. 6:32pm. And so she left ignoring her mother's calls.

She was at Levi's doorsteps within seconds, frantically knocking on the door. She constantly slammed Kaito asking if he was the mastermind behind all that but he was yet to reply. If she didn't know better, he was probably paying the price for cancelling the engagement.

Levi opened the door and she raced in in a panicked state.

"Levi, Levi the news. It's all- it's all over the place- all over the media- I-"

"Wait what are you on about?-"

"My relationship with you. Y-you weren't mentioned but I was and our fans are starting to see it and make comments and I'm scared because my entire career is on the line. It's gonna affect the whole show and it'll be all my fault and I don't know what to do, I'm literally going to lose my fucking mind, hell I've already lost it, I-"

"Hange... Hange calm down"

"Should I just quit my job?"

"Hange what the fuck are you on about?"

"I should just quit and- and do what my father wants or I don't know, go live abroad- away from everyone and everything"

"Alright Hange, you ARE losing your mind", Levi gripped her arm, shaking her slightly, "You need to breathe for me, okay baby?"

The both of them froze.

Hange slowly looked down at him while he just stared at her with eyes wide open. Wide enough for them to be popping out of their sockets.

"Levi did you drink?"

"I drink nothing but tea."

"Whatever that's the least of my problems right now"

Levi let out a sigh of relief when Hange broke away from his grasp, stumbling to her stress/anger relief room. He picked his earplugs up, forced them on and not long after heard the muffled screams and shattering of things from that room.

He was worried. Really worried. He picked up his phone to check social media and to his dismay, it was filled with Hange and her friends with benefits relationship with "some guy" while being engaged to Kaito. And from what people were saying, he assumed they didn't know this this guy actually was. He felt her presence soon after and took plugs out.

"How do you feel now?"

"Still shit. I'm staying here for the night", Hange's voice broke much to her disappointment as she headed straight to his room and shut the door.


She was back at her home at around 11pm the next day. The only reason she'd actually left that late was so she could avoid the media. She knew people would take photos of her leaving Levi's house or come haunt her down to ask questions.

She twisted the door knob, scared to actually go in but knew she'd have to eventually.

Like usual, Nova greeted her first. She succeeded sneaking past the living room and was just about to go up the stairs when a hand grabbed her arm, pulling her into a room and slapping her hard enough to leave a mark.

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