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"No now piss off!"

Huffing a breath out and pushing Javon out of her way, Kira made her way to her History class, which she was already late for.

"You always speak like that?"

It was then Kira realised that Javon was trying to match her stride, even walking with his shoulders. He looked almost like he owned this school, walking with full confidence and pride. Kira hated it.

"Only to people who get on my nerve", she mumbled, trying to walk even faster to loose Javon. He quickly caught on and grabbed Kira's wrist. It wasn't a rough grasp, more like a soft pull, which surprisingly took Kira by surprise. She'd always known Javon Walton to be the rough type. Always getting his way or serious consequences will be involved.

As Javon gently pulled Kira's wrist, he guided her to the left side of the lockers. Mind you they were still in the hall way. Kira looked at his eyes and they were solely focused on his hand wrapped around her wrist. She felt him caress her skin with his thumb. Kira didn't know why but that small action made her stomach to back flips. No one has ever touched her like that before. It was a new feeling. It felt odd, but good.

"Walton I have class to get to! I don't have time for your games."

He still hasn't let go of her wrist, so Kira shook her hand out of his grasp. That made his eyebrows furrow, but quickly covered it up with an amused grin. That was weird.

"Can't you just skip first period? I always do."

To this Kira rolled her eyes, "Course you do. I hardly ever see you in Maths." That was true, Javon hardly ever came to class in first period. Once while Kira stepped outside of class to throw her apple in the trash, in the open hallway was Javon. He was wearing his bag so it looked like he was about to go to class. As Kira looked closer, Javon was...informs of someone. A brunette, tall, slim and his type.

Kira looked down at the floor and a Maths book and a calculator was just splattered there. It looked like Javon threw his things to the floor to get to the thing that he really wanted. A freakin girl.

The flash back snapped back to current time, like a camera flash. It was quick. Everything turned back to normal and Kira found herself staring at Javon. His expression was rather amusing. Not surprising. His lips were caught between his teeth, holding them in place. His brown doe eyes stared at Kira in amusement. Javon knew she was in a drift, but he didn't find the need to snap her out of it. Instead, his eyes stayed on her own. Kira seemed to forget her class, she seemed to forget everything around her as she was swallowed into those deep brown eyes.

"You were thinking of me."

That confident statement caught Kira off guard. Her eyes snapped back to reality as those words left the boy's mouth. How's he know. He doesn't! Does he? Did Javon notice Kira mindlessly staring into his eyes, thinking of how much she wanted to be the girl that Javon was kissing in her memory. No. That would boost his ego to a whole new level. She didn't want that!

"What a bold assumption Walton."

To this Javon let out a chuckle. It certainly didn't sound humorous but still, he felt the need to. The lockers behind him creaked a little as Javon took a step back and leaned against them. What surprised Kira was that his eyes never left hers. It didn't sit right in her stomach. It wasn't a bad feeling, but it also wasn't good. His intense gaze made her feel suddenly nervous. Never has Kira felt a gaze as intense as Javon's before. He just knew how to break down her walls a little. He knew what her weakness was, what made her vulnerable.

"Am I wrong?", Javon spit out, shaking his head in a cocky manner. Prick. His stupid cocky little attitude was getting on Kira's nerves.

"Yeah you are. Sorry to damage your ego."


That was all Kira could hear. That and the fact that the guy right in front of her was burning holes through her skull. It was starting to make her feel uncomfortable. Javon was in his same spot against the lockers, but he looked like he had something on his mind. His eyes flickered from Kira's left eye to her right. Back and forth back and forth. It was confusing. Was there something in Kira's eyes that she didn't know about? She was just about to speak, before Javon interrupted. His voice was slow, deep and calm.

"You're in denial. You always are when I'm around you," erruptly, Javon straightened up, pushing himself off the lockers, "and you just don't see that Kira."

She hated how he said her name. It was just a name, but still. It rolled smoothly off of his tongue like he's said it a hundred times before. The thought was excruciating.

As Kira could see Javon slowly trespassing the 'appropriate distance' that Kira had marked in her brain, she started to panic. What was he going to do? Don't fall into his trap. Javon's a player, don't give into his bull Kira!

"Before, when you were staring into space, I noticed your eyes were different. They were....darker. Your pupils were dilated."

Kira wasn't impressed. Would she really believe that Javon Walton told her that her pupils were dilated just because he told her they were? No. So she did the only trying she knew how to do. Deny.

"You're really talking outta your ass right now! My eyes are perfectly fine"-

"They weren't before. If anything, they were quite black." Javon couldn't help but smirk as he saw Kira's furious expression. He tilted his head almost arrogantly, stepping even further towards Kira. Thankfully, her hand stopped him from going any further, placing a hand on his chest. Shut his chest was hard! What?! Kira cleared her throat and pushed him backwards, causing Javon to let out an annoyed grunt.

"I wasn't gonna try anything with you! I already gotta girl," Javon rolled his eyes, " anyway you ain't my type." This time, Kira had to roll her eyes. Right, he was into blondes. Wait, then why was he kissing a brunette girl just last week, the one she caught him with?

"I don't believe that but whatever, I gotta get to class", and with that Kira stormed off to her History class, which she was already really late for. But, that didn't make her anxious, it was the fact that Javon's comment about her eyes being....dilated got her heart pumping quicker. Was it actually darker when she was thinking of him? Was he just talking outta his butt the whole time? Shit.

Meanwhile, the player of Riversleigh High was still at the lockers, staring at the Britney's as she disappeared behind the wall. His smirk was evident as ever, thinking about how flustered she got when he brought up her eyes. Javon knew she found him attractive. He just needed to find a way to make her fall for him like the rest of his toys. It wasn't gonna be easy, but Javon Walton was gonna do everything in his power to make Kira Fernandez date him. She was rather....different from the girls Javon's had a fling with.

The Player - Javon WaltonWhere stories live. Discover now