I Think I'm in love with a Wereliger

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 Clarity - *Spencer is a girl

             “I warned you Spencer.” The husky voice I feel in love with shot words that pierced my heart. His voice flushed with anger and pride tainted with restraint, something he did very often; something I’ve grown very fond of.

 “I told you, you were going to get hurt. Look, I’m leaving, you can either stay or come with me but either way you’ll still be in danger even die if I don’t do this”

His hand clasped around the nape of my neck, forcing me to look straight into his eyes. My limp form already draped on his lap. He was literally, in control of me. Blood and gore thrashed all around the room, this wasn’t exactly how I planned our getting together or separation.

I gazed into his blue hassled eyes. This could be the last time I drown in them or this could be my opportunity to never have to leave them again. The pain of my gapping wound subsided. I was in his world now. Attired in my usual white dress, in his world he preferred to cloth me in white as a sign of my purity. Dang, sometimes his old school ways annoyed me.

 Something is different. I know I’m here with him, I can see him but I feel as though it’s an illusion. I’m not whole anymore, something’s wrong.

“Your fading.” He was standing right inform of me now.

“Why?” I panicked; I didn’t want to leave from his world, from our world.

“Dammit Spencer, because you’re dying. I thought it best to come here, away from all the pain and the blood and… I thought you could think better here.” The tension in his jaw told me he was trying to keep his calm but was struggling.

“Why didn’t you just change me?”

“Because it’s not my decision to make.” He held my wrist. “In order for me to change you, I need your permission. It’s like when vampires can’t enter your house unless you invite them. Well I can’t change your entire spiritual and biological make up if you don’t give me consent.”

“It’s that simple.”

“Yes. If you want to live, I need you to tell me yes”


“In your human form”

“But you said so yourself, I’m dying. Remember?”

“Your dying, you’re not dead yet. I need you to tell me yes.”

“Last time I remember myself, I had a hard time keeping my eyes open, let alone speaking.”

“I know. Look, I’m going to breathe life into you. I can’t explain it right now but when we return to the real world, I need you to envision yourself in your happiest moment and say yes, ok?”

“Umm. Ok”

“The strength that I’m going to give you won’t last very long so we need to do it fast ok?… Please Spencer, If its not what you want, don’t. But whether or not you say or no. I love you.”

I was dumbfounded. That was exactly what I thought that would sound like but it was more.

Before I could reply, I was enthralled in the most passionate and literally magical kiss I have ever gotten from Graham. It felt refreshing and filling while meaningful and real. This was what I wanted. Here and now, I am happy… I’m in love with Garyham.

I took a breath, it felt as though I was holding it in while trying to get into some seriously tight jeans. He shook me and I was still in his arms.

“Spencer, are you ready?”

            I focused back on him, blood streaked, tired and distressed.

            “Spencer, are you ready?” He asked again. This time with a bit more worry and compassion


            “Spencer?… Spencer!”

Everything faded…

The epic battle between my choices and fate… guess who won.

 *This is just a tester, to see if i should actually start the book

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