Chapter Three

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“Oh shit!” were Grahams first words at 6:30 in the morning.

            “Good morning to you too sunshine.” Kyle retorted. “We’re only gonna be roommates for a little while so in the meantime can you at least exercise some manners”

            Graham brushed off Kyle’s witted comment.

            “Jennifer!” he screams across the hallway.

            “What is it Graham? Like it’s 6 in the morning. What are you shouting for?” Jennifer’s groggy voice retreated from behind a purple door.

            “Thanks to your wonderful suggestion, I ended up spending the entire night with her.”

            “And?” Jennifer folded her arms and leaned against her doorframe, expelling a yawn that can easily take in an entire thanksgiving turkey.

            “The girl probably doesn’t even know what hit her.”

            “I didn’t tell you to spend the entire night with her… what ever mistake you made was your fault.”

            “If I didn’t listen to you…”

            “Yeah yeah yeah, you probably wouldn’t be in this mess, I know… But since you did go through all the trouble, did you at least learn anything about her… Why she’s so irresistible?” she mocked.

            “That’s the disappointing part,” disappointment flooded his voice, “she ordinary.”

            “There you go… mysteries over.” Jennifer yawned again. “Can I go back to bed now?”

            “Spencer, I need you to go to the supermarket and get me some groceries,” Helen informed me at the breakfast table.

            Ever since I woke up this morning I’ve been feeling so exhausted and its frustrating cause my body feels fine. As a matter of fact, I feel oddly energized, more incentive to hit the gym this evening, but focusing and registering has posed some serious difficulty. My thoughts are mega slow, almost like the haze feeling when your about to faint.

            “Spencer, are you listening to me?”

            “Yeah Mom, Of course I am.”

            “I need you to get eggs, milk, cream cheese….”

            “Mom could you make a list or something, I don’t think I can remember all that.”

Somewhere around the time Mom was writing the shopping list I heard a slam of the counter top.

            “Spencer are you having a hang-over?!”

            “What Mom, No!”

            “Look honey, it’s ok. I know your young and when I was your age getting drunk, and lightin’ some ganja and stuff where hip and I’m down with that but sweetie at least be honest with me. Are you on drugs?!”

            OH-MY-GODDESS! Did my Mom just try and talk “modern” with me. What is the world coming to when it becomes ok for old people to start talking like that?

            “Oh Goddess Mom, NO!”

“Ok. Are you pregnant? Is everything ok? Is there any thing you wanna talk about honey, cause I just want you to know, I’m here for you, every step of the way. Whatever beef you’ve got Mama’s here.”

“Christ Mom, No I’m not pregnant and I’m not on drugs.” I grabbed the list and my keys and headed straight for the door.

I turned on the engine to my car and let the purr sooth me. Pregnant! Was she serious? I heard glass shatter and looked in the direction of which it came. The younger of the brother dropped something particularly valuable to Mrs. Greenidge. Graham jogged over to help clean up the mess and I caught his gaze. Those hassled-blue eyes were shaded and mystic looking, irresistible and I couldn’t rip away from them. There was this odd familiarity in the back of my mind; almost as if he was thinking what I was thinking and looked away.

“That was weird,” I muttered to myself.

            Last on the list, “Goat cheese,” I starred puzzled at the list, “Why would Mom want goat cheese? Where am I gonna find goat cheese in this store?”

            “In the cheese aisle would be a good place to start.” (Note to self, do not ask dumb questions aloud.) Lionel Johnson, Junior high sweetheart and High School nuisance.  

            “Go Figure.” I replied dryly. I started for the relevant aisle and of course he followed.

            “So, Looking for goat cheese, huh?” and that was the start of many awkward conversations past and future.

            “Hm. What would have you think that?” Where the hell is the goat cheese?!

            “Spencer, I know you still have feelings for me.” Where the hell is the freaking goat cheese?!

            “Lionel, its over. It’s been over for 2 years! Move on already!” I quickened my step but he followed suit. Goddess of Life, can someone please show me the freaking goat cheese!

            “Spencer, I was talking to my Mom and…”

            BINGO. We found the goat cheese!

            “Yeah, tell Mrs. Johnson I said hey and I’ll stop by when I can.” I rushed off to the cashier and hollered “Bye Lionel” at the corner of the aisle. I had 60 seconds flat to check and leave before Lionel registers that I just ditched him mid-sentence.

            I threw everything except the eggs on the conveyer belt.

            “That will be $25.67.” came the flat tone of the freckled face cashier. Poor kid probably got punished for the summer. I would grieve his lost of 3 months of vacation but I had Lionel on hot pursuit. I was rustling my jeans for money when I realized I didn’t have any. Then, I fumbled to hand over my emergency Credit Card and Driver License. Holy Goddess, could this guy possibly take any longer.

            “Here’s your change.”

            “Thanks.” I grabbed the bags and head straight for the door. Just when I thought I made it, Lionel reached for the door and opened it for me. Damn! I squinted through and headed straight for my car. I heard Lionel’s footsteps coming behind me.

            “Let's go out. C’mon, for old times sake.”

            I slammed the door shut. If that wasn’t clear enough my disinterest, next time I won’t be so polite. I drove home, singing along to Adele’s Rolling in the Deep. I’m sure I killed 5 cats with the tone-deaf pitches I was releasing.

           Feel free to leave a comment and let me know how the book is going so far... :) Thanks XD

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